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TYPO3 扩展 jpfaq 不工作(数据库有问题?)

[英]TYPO3 Extension jpfaq does not work (problem with the database?)

I recently tried to create an FAQ Page with the TYPO3 extension jpfaq.我最近尝试创建一个 FAQ 页面,扩展名为 TYPO3 jpfaq。

I did set up everything as it was described in the manual.我确实按照手册中的描述设置了所有内容。 But for some reason when i preview the page, it shows a bunch of different error.但是由于某种原因,当我预览页面时,它显示了一堆不同的错误。 For example:例如:

Table 'xxx_typo_dev.tx_jpfaq_domain_model_ttcontent' doesn't exist

When I "unbind" the FAQ database I created it shows me the correct FAQ page (just without the questions and answers).当我“解除绑定”我创建的 FAQ 数据库时,它会显示正确的 FAQ 页面(只是没有问题和答案)。 So there might be a problem with the database?那么数据库可能有问题?

Cleared cache.清除缓存。 Deleted and installed the extension again.删除并重新安装扩展程序。 Didn't help.没有帮助。

Sounds like the you need to fix the Database Structure .听起来您需要修复Database Structure
Normally the Database Structure is fixed when you install new extensions in the Extensions module.通常,当您在Extensions模块中安装新扩展时, Database Structure是固定的。

If you use Composer Mode the installation is done with composer and you need to fix it by hand.如果您使用Composer Mode ,则安装由 composer 完成,您需要手动修复它。
This can be done in the InstallTool / Maintenance Module: Analyze Database Structure .这可以在 InstallTool / Maintenance Module: Analyze Database Structure中完成。
Or you use the commandline: vendor/helhum/typo3-console/typo3cms database:updateschema (don't forget to use composer require helhum/typo3-console )或者你使用命令行: vendor/helhum/typo3-console/typo3cms database:updateschema (不要忘记使用composer require helhum/typo3-console

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