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[英]Continuous loop using threading

I am somewhat new to python. 我对python有点陌生。 I have been trying to find the answer to this coding question for some time. 我已经尝试寻找这个编码问题的答案一段时间了。 I have a function set up to run on a threading timer. 我设置了一个在线程计时器上运行的功能。 This allows it to execute every second while my other code is running. 这使它可以在我的其他代码运行时每秒执行一次。 I would like this function to simply execute continuously, that is every time it is done executing it starts over, rather than on a timer. 我希望此函数简单地连续执行,即每次完成执行后都重新开始,而不是在计时器上执行。 The reason for this is that due to a changing delay in a stepper motor the function takes different amounts of time run. 原因是由于步进电机的延迟变化,该功能需要花费不同的时间运行。

Is this what you're looking for? 这是您要找的东西吗?

from threading import Thread

def f():

while True:
    t = Thread(target=f)

Or maybe this, which shows the concurrent paths of execution (for production, remove sleep() calls, of course): 或者,也许这显示了执行的并发路径(对于生产,当然要删除sleep()调用):

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def g():

def f():
    while True: g()

print('other code here')

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