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tar / gzip不包括某些文件

[英]tar/gzip excluding certain files

I have a directory with many sub-directories. 我有一个包含许多子目录的目录。 In some of those sub-directories I have files with *.asc extension and some with *.xdr . 在某些子目录中,我的文件扩展名为*.asc而某些文件的扩展名为*.xdr

I want to create a SINGLE tarball/gzip file which maintains the directory structure but excludes all files with the *.xdr extension. 我想创建一个SINGLE tarball / gzip文件来维护目录结构但排除所有扩展名为*.xdr文件。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

I did something like find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} + 我做了像find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} +东西find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} + find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} + but this gzips every *.asc file individually which is not what I want to do. find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} +但这会单独*.asc每个*.asc文件,这不是我想要做的。


tar -zc -f test.tar.gz --exclude='*.xdr' *

gzip will always handle files individually. gzip将始终单独处理文件。 If you want a bundled archive you will have to tar the files first and then gzip the result, hence you will end up with a .tar.gz file or .tgz for short. 如果你想要一个捆绑的存档,你必须首先tar文件然后gzip结果,因此你最终会得到一个.tar.gz文件或.tgz。

To get a better control over what you are doing, you can first find the files using the command you already posted (with -print instead of the gzip command) and put them into a file, then use this file (=filelist.txt) to instruct tar with what to archive 为了更好地控制您正在做的事情,您可以先使用已发布的命令(使用-print而不是gzip命令) find文件并将它们放入文件中,然后使用此文件(= filelist.txt)指示tar存档的内容

tar -T filelist.txt -c -v -f myarchive.tar

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