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使用 python 实现二进制搜索

[英]binary search implementation with python

I think I did everything correctly, but the base case return None, instead of False if the value does not exists.我认为我做的一切都是正确的,但是如果该值不存在,则基本情况返回 None,而不是 False。 I cannot understand why.我不明白为什么。

def binary_search(lst, value):
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return lst[0] == value

    mid = len(lst)/2
    if lst[mid] < value:
        binary_search(lst[:mid], value)
    elif lst[mid] > value:
        binary_search(lst[mid+1:], value)
        return True

print binary_search([1,2,4,5], 15)

You need to return the result of the recursive method invocation: 您需要返回递归方法调用的结果:

def binary_search(lst, value):
    #base case here
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return lst[0] == value

    mid = len(lst)/2
    if lst[mid] < value:
        return binary_search(lst[:mid], value)
    elif lst[mid] > value:
        return binary_search(lst[mid+1:], value)
        return True

And I think your if and elif condition are reversed. 而且我认为您的ifelif条件是相反的。 That should be: 应该是:

if lst[mid] > value:    # Should be `>` instead of `<`
    # If value at `mid` is greater than `value`, 
    # then you should search before `mid`.
    return binary_search(lst[:mid], value)
elif lst[mid] < value:  
    return binary_search(lst[mid+1:], value)

Binary Search:二进制搜索:

def Binary_search(num,desired_value,left,right):
    while left <= right:
        mid = (left + right)//2
        if desired_value == num[mid]:
            return mid
        elif desired_value > num[mid]:
            left = mid + 1
            right = mid - 1
    return -1
num =[12,15,19,20,22,29,38,41,44,90,106,397,399,635]
desired_value = 41
result = Binary_search(num,desired_value,0,len(num)-1)
if result != -1:
    print("Number found at " + str(result),'th index')
    print("number not found")

Because if return nothing! 因为如果一无所获!

if lst[mid] < value:
    binary_search(lst[:mid], value)
    # hidden return None
elif lst[mid] > value:
    binary_search(lst[mid+1:], value)
    # hidden return None
    return True

You need to return from if and elif too. 您也需要从ifelif return

def binary_search(lst, value):
    #base case here
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return lst[0] == value

    mid = len(lst) / 2
    if lst[mid] < value:
        return binary_search(lst[:mid], value)
    elif lst[mid] > value:
        return binary_search(lst[mid+1:], value)
        return True

>>> print binary_search([1,2,4,5], 15)
def binary_search(lists,x):
    mid = (len(lists) - 1)//2
    if len(lists)>=1:
        if x == lists[mid]:
            return True

        elif x < lists[mid]:
            lists = lists[0:mid]
            return binary_search(lists,x)

            lists = lists[mid+1:]
            return binary_search(lists,x)
        return False
a = list(map(int,input('enter list :').strip().split()))
x = int(input('enter number for binary search : '))
def rBinarySearch(list,element):
    if len(list) == 1:
        return element == list[0]
    mid = len(list)/2
    if list[mid] > element:
        return rBinarySearch( list[ : mid] , element )
    if list[mid] < element:
        return rBinarySearch( list[mid : ] , element)
    return True
def binary_search(arr, elm):
    low, high = 0, len(arr) - 1

    while low <= high:
        mid = (high + low) // 2
        val = arr[mid]
        if val == elm:
            return mid
        elif val <= elm:
            low = mid + 1
            high = mid - 1
    return -1

print(binary_search([2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 20, 21], 12)) # 4
print(binary_search([2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 20, 21], 3333)) # -1
def Binary_search(li, e, f, l):
    mid = int((f+l)/2)
    if li[mid] == e:
        print("Found",li[mid] )
    elif f == l-1 and li[mid] != e:
        print("Not Found ")
    elif e < li[mid]:
        Binary_search(li, e, f,mid)
    elif e > li[mid]:
        Binary_search(li, e, mid,l)

elements = [1,2,4,6,8,9,20,30,40,50,60,80,90,100,120,130,666]
Binary_search(elements, 120, 0, len(elements))

binary search using class使用 class 进行二分搜索

class binar_search10: def init (self,arr, element): self.arr = arr self.element = element class binar_search10: def init (self,arr, element): self.arr = arr self.element = element

def search(self):
    n = len(self.arr)
    low = 0
    high = n-1
    while(low <= high):
        mid = (low+high)//2
        if self.arr[mid] == self.element:
            return mid
        elif self.arr[mid] < self.element:
            low = mid+1
            high = mid -1
    return 0

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