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[英]Typecast sql.date to calendar

I have some code that uses the sql.date object to get the current date in the format: yyyy-MM-dd. 我有一些代码使用sql.date对象以yyyy-MM-dd格式获取当前日期。 I want to typecast that to a Calendar object that has the same format as the sql.date. 我想将其类型转换为与sql.date格式相同的Calendar对象。

Here is the code for the sql.date: 这是sql.date的代码:

java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();

java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date( now.getTime() );

Edit: 编辑:

I want to know how to put this in a Calendar object. 我想知道如何将其放在Calendar对象中。 Is it even possible to do this? 甚至有可能这样做吗?

A java.sql.Date doesn't have a format. 一个java.sql.Date具备的格式。 It's just a date. 这只是个约会。

To convert it to a string, use a SimpleDateFormatter with the relevant format set - or just use toString if you definitely want yyyy-MM-dd . 要将其转换为字符串,请使用具有相关格式集的SimpleDateFormatter或如果确实需要yyyy-MM-dd则只需使用toString (Unfortunately it's unclear which time zone you should use - java.sql.Date is very poorly documented in this respect. I suspect it will use the default system time zone.) (不幸的是,目前尚不清楚应使用哪个时区-在这方面java.sql.Date文档非常少。我怀疑它将使用默认的系统时区。)

To create a Calendar object with the given date, you can just use: 要创建具有给定日期的Calendar对象,您可以使用:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

Again, a Calendar doesn't have a text format either - it represents a point in time in a particular calendar system in a particular time zone, but nothing about a textual representation. 同样, Calendar也不具有文本格式-它表示特定日历系统在特定时区的某个时间点,但是与文本表示无关。

Java Date objects (and note that java.sql.Date is a java.util.Date ) don't have "formats". Java Date对象(请注意, java.sql.Date java.util.Date )没有“格式”。 They represent an instant in time. 它们代表时刻。

Calendar also doesn't have a "format". Calendar也没有“格式”。

What you're asking for doesn't make sense in java. 您要的内容在Java中没有意义。

Consider using SimpleDateFormat to format one of these things into a String: 考虑使用SimpleDateFormat将其中之一格式化为String:

String str = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(myDate);

or if you use a Calendar object (not recommended): 或者,如果您使用Calendar对象(不建议使用):

String str = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(myCalendar.getTime()); 

Use SimpleDateFormat#format() 使用SimpleDateFormat#format()

System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")

You can use the following snippet. 您可以使用以下代码段。

public class DateTest {

public static void main(String[] arg){

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    //setting a valid date
    Date date = new Date(113,07,10);
    //prints the date as per format
    System.out.println("Date in YYYY-MM-DD : " +date);
    //sets the calendar with the date value in java.sql.Date instance
    //use simple date formatter to format the value in calendar instance
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    System.out.println("Date formatted from Calendar instance : "+dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()));

} }

Please let me know what happens! 请让我知道会发生什么!

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