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如何在Windows 8上通过C ++ MFC授予“所有人”写权限?

[英]How to give “Everyone” write permissions via C++ MFC on Windows 8?

Im struggling with changing permissions. 我正在努力更改权限。 I need, on Windows 8, to change the permissions of a file to have group "Everyone" write permissions. 在Windows 8上,我需要更改文件的权限,以具有组“所有人”的写权限。 How to I do that? 我该怎么做? Im trying to edit a file with C++ MFC which already exists with no "Write" (Everyone) checked, thats causing me many problems. 我试图用C ++ MFC编辑一个已经存在的文件,没有检查“写入”(每个人),这给我带来了很多问题。

Your Application need to have the rights to change the permissions for the file. 您的应用程序需要具有更改文件权限的权限。

#pragma comment(lib, "Advapi32.lib") 

#include "Aclapi.h"
#include "Sddl.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

void AllowEveryone(CString path) 
    PACL pDacl,pNewDACL;
    EXPLICIT_ACCESS ExplicitAccess;
    PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ppSecurityDescriptor;
    PSID psid;

    LPTSTR lpStr;
    CString str = path;
    lpStr = str.GetBuffer();

    GetNamedSecurityInfo(lpStr, SE_FILE_OBJECT,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, &pDacl, NULL, &ppSecurityDescriptor);
    ConvertStringSidToSid("S-1-1-0", &psid);

    ExplicitAccess.grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS;
    ExplicitAccess.grfAccessPermissions = GENERIC_ALL;
    ExplicitAccess.grfInheritance = CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE;
    ExplicitAccess.Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE;
    ExplicitAccess.Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL;
    ExplicitAccess.Trustee.ptstrName = (LPTSTR) psid;
    ExplicitAccess.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID;
    ExplicitAccess.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN;

    SetEntriesInAcl(1, &ExplicitAccess, pDacl, &pNewDACL);



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