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[英]How to create a table from the aggregate() function in R

I have a data set that looks like this: 我有一个如下所示的数据集:

Type    Date    Lively  Count
sm      1/13/2010   10  10
sm      1/14/2010   10  20
sm      2/15/2010   20  30
am      4/16/2010   5   42
am      1/17/2010   10  34
am      3/18/2010   40  54
sm      1/19/2010   10  65
sm      4/20/2010   5   67
sm      3/21/2010   40  76

I'm trying to average out all the numeric parameters by month. 我试图按月平均所有数字参数。 So my resultant data set would ideally be: 所以我的结果数据集理想情况是:

Date     Lively Count
Jan 2010     10     32.25
Feb 2010     20     30.00
Mar 2010     40     65.00
Apr 2010      5     54.50

I'm very close to this, what I currently have is: 我非常接近这个,我现在拥有的是:

         Lively Count
Jan 2010     10     32.25
Feb 2010     20     30.00
Mar 2010     40     65.00
Apr 2010      5     54.50

As you can see I'm missing the title 'Date'. 如你所见,我错过了标题'日期'。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

z <- zoo(data[3:4], as.Date(data[,2], "%m/%d/%Y"))
aggregate(z, as.yearmon, mean)

I don't know how to make a title for the left column ('Date'), and more importantly, I don't know how to make the output of aggregate() into a table (resultant data set). 我不知道如何为左列('Date')创建标题,更重要的是,我不知道如何将aggregate()的输出变成表(结果数据集)。

You can use the list format to specify your names within aggregate . 您可以使用list格式在aggregate指定您的名称。

To get your "date" values, you need to refer to the "index" of your zoo object 要获取“日期”值,需要引用zoo对象的“索引”

aggregate(list(Lively = z[, "Lively"], Count = z[, "Count"]), 
          list(Date = as.yearmon(index(z))), mean)
#       Date Lively Count
# 1 Jan 2010     10 32.25
# 2 Feb 2010     20 30.00
# 3 Mar 2010     40 65.00
# 4 Apr 2010      5 54.50

Alternatively, you can easily change your names if required. 或者,您可以根据需要轻松更改名称。 This will allow you to be able to use the much nicer formula method for aggregate . 这将使您能够使用更好的公式方法进行aggregate

x <- aggregate(. ~ as.yearmon(index(z)), z, mean)
names(x)[1] <- "Date"
#       Date Lively Count
# 1 Jan 2010     10 32.25
# 2 Feb 2010     20 30.00
# 3 Mar 2010     40 65.00
# 4 Apr 2010      5 54.50

Note, however, that by doing so, you miss out on all the goodness that zoo has to offer by doing this. 但请注意,通过这样做,你会错过zoo提供的所有优点。 You've essentially taken a data.frame , converted it to a zoo object, and re-converted it to a data.frame . 您基本上采用了data.frame ,将其转换为zoo对象,并将其重新转换为data.frame

Your aggregate(z, as.yearmon, mean) solution would be the way I would go about it, and refer to the date by using index() . 您的aggregate(z, as.yearmon, mean)解决方案将是我的方式,并使用index()引用日期。

Update 更新

If you're just doing this at a later stage for aesthetic reasons, you can keep working with zoo objects since it will give you a lot of flexibility that you might not get with base R functions, and then use cbind at the end. 如果你出于审美原因只是在稍后阶段这样做,你可以继续使用zoo对象,因为它将为你提供很多灵活性,你可能无法使用基本R函数,然后在最后使用cbind

Following from where you left off: 从你离开的地方开始:

z <- zoo(data[3:4], as.Date(data[,2], "%m/%d/%Y"))
x <- aggregate(z, as.yearmon, mean)
cbind(Date = index(x), 
      as.data.frame.matrix(x, row.names = NULL))
#       Date Lively Count
# 1 Jan 2010     10 32.25
# 5 Feb 2010     20 30.00
# 6 Mar 2010     40 65.00
# 8 Apr 2010      5 54.50

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