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[英]Is there a way to limit the downloads for an app on the play store?

I am getting to launch a new app which is network based. 我要启动一个基于网络的新应用程序。 Right now I do not have it scaled very large (I only have one server running). 现在,我没有将它扩展得太大(我只运行一台服务器)。 Is there anyway through Google Play that I can restrict the downloads to a couple of hundred people until I can purchase the scalability I need for my app? 无论如何,通过Google Play,我可以将下载限制为数百人,直到我可以购买应用程序所需的可扩展性为止? I want to have a maximum of a couple hundred people download the app a month so that I can scale accordingly. 我希望每个月最多可以有数百人下载该应用程序,以便可以相应地扩展。 Is there anyway to do this besides removing it from the store every time I get too many downloads? 除了每次下载次数过多时都将其从商店中删除之外,还有其他方法吗?

You could utilize Google Play Alpha/Beta testing which allows you to invite people to either a Google Group or Google+ Community and only those people can download your application from Google Play. 您可以利用Google Play Alpha / Beta测试 ,该测试允许您邀请其他人加入Google网上论坛或Google+社区,只有这些人才能从Google Play下载您的应用程序。 That way you could cut off membership once you've hit a certain number of people (note that if you are using a Google+ Community, you want to make sure you make it Public - Moderator approval to join or Private) and then restart once you've scaled up. 这样一来,您可以在遇到一定数量的人后切断成员资格(请注意,如果您使用的是Google+社区,则要确保将其设为公开-主持人批准加入或私有),然后在重新启动后重新启动已经扩大。

However, if you are doing a traditional production publish of your app then there is no way to limit the number of people downloading your application. 但是,如果您要进行传统的应用发布,那么就没有办法限制下载应用的人数。

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