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[英]Formal interpretation of `in` in Python's `for` loops

I know that the in operator can be used in Python as a short-hand of the following (generally speaking, not considering any hidden equality issues or anything): 我知道in运算符可以在Python中用作以下代码的缩写(通常来说,不考虑任何隐藏的相等性问题或其他事项):

for item in list1:
    if item == thingToCheck:
        return True
return False

However, I was wondering about the technical meaning of in in the actual for item in list1 line- obviously there is another meaning to in , since Python wouldn't generate every single possible value of item and see if item in list1 . 不过,我想知道的技术含义in实际for item in list1线-明明还有另外一个意义in ,因为Python不会产生的每一个可能的值item ,看看item in list1 On a related note, are Python for loops ever made without in ? 与此相关的是,是否有Python for循环曾经没有in

in calls the __contains__ method (of list in this case) in调用__contains__方法(在这种情况下为list

For list and tuple this is linear search 对于listtuple这是线性搜索

For dict and set it uses a hash 对于dictset它使用哈希

When used in a for loop, in just means take the next item from the iterable until it runs out. 当在for循环使用, in仅仅意味着从迭代采取的下一个项目,直到用完。

You can imagine it's something like this 你可以想象是这样的

it = iter(list1)
while True:
        item = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
    if item == thingToCheck:
        return True
return False 

No, you won't find a for loop without in , because it is syntactically necessary, see Python language reference . 不,如果没有in ,您将找不到for循环,因为从语法上讲这是必需的,请参阅Python语言参考 As Greg pointed out, the fact, that the same keyword is used, does not mean, that the internal processing is similar let alone identical. 正如Greg所指出的,使用相同的关键字这一事实并不意味着内部处理相似,更不用说相同了。 Similar is the never-dying discussion concerning programming languages, where = has the two roles of assignment and as comparison operator. 关于编程语言的永无止境的讨论与此类似,其中=具有分配和作为比较运算符的两个角色。 Programming languages are designed for readability and to abstract from what is actually happening, and the abstraction increases with the level of the language. 编程语言旨在提高可读性并从实际发生的事情中抽象出来,并且抽象程度随语言级别的提高而增加。

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