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将stdin / stdout从exec'ed进程重定向到Perl中的pipe

[英]redirecting stdin/stdout from exec'ed process to pipe in Perl

I am trying to have STDOUT/STDERR from a exec'ed child process go back to the parent via a pipe in Perl. 我试图让一个exec的子进程的STDOUT / STDERR通过Perl中的管道返回到父进程。 The closest I have seen to what I want to do is at : http://forums.devshed.com/perl-programming-6/exec-and-redirecting-stdout-stderr-168501.html 我所看到的最接近我想做的是: http//forums.devshed.com/perl-programming-6/exec-and-redirecting-stdout-stderr-168501.html

The following is a stripped down example of what I am trying to do. 以下是我想要做的事情的简要示例。 I also tried a variant of the link above. 我也试过上面链接的一个变种。 I can't see what I'm doing wrong... 我看不出我做错了什么......

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict ;
use warnings ;

my $cmd    = "/usr/bin/who -a" ;  # anything to stdout

pipe( READER, WRITER ) ;
my $child = fork() ;
if ( $child ) {
    print "I am the parent: My pid = $$ junior = $child\n" ;
    close( WRITER ) ;
    my @output = <READER> ;
    print @output ;
    print "parent is DONE\n" ;
} else {
    print "I am the child. My pid = $$\n" ;

    close( READER ) ;
    close( STDOUT );
    close( STDERR );

    print WRITER "XXX ouput before exec....\n" ;

    exec( $cmd ) or exit(1) ;

It's not possible to redirect file descriptors just with assignments. 仅使用赋值重定向文件描述符是不可能的。 Rather one needs to use open like described in perldoc -f open . 而是一个需要使用open像中描述perldoc -f open In your case the child code would look like this: 在您的情况下,子代码将如下所示:

    print "I am the child. My pid = $$\n" ;

    close( READER ) ;

    open STDOUT, ">&", \*WRITER or die $!;
    open STDERR, ">&", \*WRITER or die $!;

    print WRITER "XXX ouput before exec....\n" ;

    exec( $cmd ) or exit(1) ;

Slaven Rezic has the right answer to why your code doesn't work, but you should also be aware of a shortcut that you can use. Slaven Rezic对你的代码无效的原因有正确的答案,但你也应该知道你可以使用的快捷方式。 The special pipe+fork open READER, '-|' 特殊管+叉open READER, '-|' does almost all the setup work for you, creating a child process with its STDOUT writing into a pipe that the parent can read with READER . 几乎所有的设置都适合你,创建一个子进程,其STDOUT写入一个父可以用READER读取的管道。 That just leaves the STDERR redirection for you to do manually. 这只是让STDERR重定向让你手动完成。

The shortened version of the code looks like this: 缩短版本的代码如下所示:

my $child = open READER, '-|';
defined $child or die "pipe/fork: $!\n";
if ( $child ) {
    print "I am the parent: My pid = $$ junior = $child\n" ;
    my @output = <READER> ;
    print @output ;
    print "parent is DONE\n" ;
} else {
    print "I am the child. My pid = $$\n" ;

    open STDERR, '>&STDOUT';

    print "XXX ouput before exec....\n" ;

    exec( $cmd ) or exit(1) ;

This code is another way to pipe the STDOUT and STDERR from the child process. 此代码是从子进程管道STDOUT和STDERR的另一种方法。

 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 use strict ;
 use warnings;

 my $cmd    = "/usr/bin/who -a" ;  # anything to stdout

 pipe( READER, WRITER ) ;
 my $child = fork() ;
if ( $child ) {
    print "I am the parent: My pid = $$ junior = $child\n" ;
    close( WRITER ) ;
    my @output = <READER> ;
    print @output ;
    print "parent is DONE\n" ;
} else {
    print "I am the child. My pid = $$\n" ;
    close( READER ) ;
    open(STDERR,">&", WRITER) or die "Cannot duplicate STDERR;
    open(STDOUT,">&", WRITER) or die "cannot duplicate STDOUT";

    print WRITER "XXX ouput before exec....\n" ;

   exec( $cmd ) or exit(1) ;

} }

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