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[英]Mouse hovering popup on multiple text paragraphs, using data from database

I'm trying to somehow do a popup over several paragraphs using HTML and PHP. 我试图以某种方式使用HTML和PHP在几个段落上弹出一个窗口。 The page uses a while loop to load data from a database, and each paragraph contains one row in the database table. 该页面使用while循环从数据库加载数据,并且每个段落在数据库表中都包含一行。 Below are relevant parts of my code. 以下是我代码的相关部分。

In the beginning of the file i have a php-part containing the following relevant lines: 在文件的开头,我有一个php部分,其中包含以下相关行:

    $kommun = $_SESSION['kommun'];
    $salary = $_SESSION['loen'];

    $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM sk_municip WHERE id = :id";
    $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
    $stmt2->execute(array(':id' => $kommun));

    $totalSkatt = (($salary * $result2['tax']) / 100);

    $sql3 = "SELECT id, name FROM sk_areas";
    $stmt3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);

    $sql4 = "SELECT area, part, percent, desc FROM sk-mun-".$kommun." WHERE area = :area ORDER BY percent DESC";
    $stmt4_1 = $dbh->prepare($sql4);
    $stmt4_2 = $dbh->prepare($sql4);

Further down in the document, I have divs and paragraphs using the php above: 在文档的更下方,我使用上面的php编写了div和段落:

<?php while ($result3 = $stmt3->fetch()): ?>    

        $stmt4_1->execute(array(':area' => $result3['id']));
        $stmt4_2->execute(array(':area' => $result3['id']));

    <?php if ($stmt4_1->fetchColumn() > 0): ?>
        <div class="taxarea">

            <div class="taximg">...</div>

            <div class="taxtext">
                <p class="inhead">...</p>
                <p class="inline">...</p>

                <?php while($result4 = $stmt4_2->fetch()): ?>
                    <?php $partSkatt = round((($totalSkatt * $result4['percent']) / 100)); ?>

                    <p class="tdone">
                        <?php echo $result4['part']; ?>

                    <p class="tdtwo">
                        <?php echo $partSkatt ?> kr

                    <p class="inline">...</p>
                <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>

What I'm trying to do is that when someone hovers the mouse over the "tdone"- or "tdtwo"-classes, there will be a popup that contains the information in the desc-column for that row. 我想做的是,当有人将鼠标悬停在“ tdone”或“ tdtwo”类上时,将出现一个弹出窗口,其中包含该行的desc列中的信息。 If the tuple is empty or NULL, there should not be a popup. 如果元组为空或NULL,则不应弹出。

This is kind of a complex problem, I hope I have been able do describe it in a good way. 这是一个复杂的问题,我希望我能够很好地描述它。 I know some ways to make popups, but not dynamically like I need it now. 我知道一些制作弹出窗口的方法,但并不动态,就像我现在需要的那样。 For me it does not matter id javascript, jquery or css is used, i just need a good way to do it. 对我来说,使用javascript,jquery或css都没关系,我只需要一个好方法。

Just adding the title attribute is not enough. 仅添加title属性是不够的。 I need, to be able to change colours on the popup block to make it look like the rest of the page. 我需要能够更改弹出框上的颜色,使其看起来像页面的其余部分。

You can use CSS only for the mouseover: http://jsfiddle.net/DbuDL/ 您只能将CSS用于鼠标悬停: http : //jsfiddle.net/DbuDL/

.tdone, .tdtwo {
    width: 400px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;
    border:1px solid black;
    background-color: white;
.tdone:hover, .tdtwo:hover {
    height: auto;

But from a usability point of view it would probably be better to use an onclick event to collapse/expand the area. 但是从可用性的角度来看,最好使用onclick事件来折叠/扩展该区域。

EDIT: I've udpated jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/DbuDL/1/ to use JavaScript for the mouse click. 编辑:我已经udpated jsFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/DbuDL/1/使用JavaScript的鼠标单击。

You also need to place an image within the area that you want to show/hide. 您还需要将图像放置在要显示/隐藏的区域内。

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