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Python类变量名称vs __name__

[英]Python class variable name vs __name__

I'm trying to understand the relationship between the variable a Python class object is assigned to and the __name__ attribute for that class object. 我试图理解分配Python类对象的变量与该类对象的__name__属性之间的关系。 For example: 例如:

In [1]: class Foo(object):
   ...:     pass

In [2]: Foo.__name__ = 'Bar'

In [3]: Foo.__name__
Out[3]: 'Bar'

In [4]: Foo
Out[4]: __main__.Bar

In [5]: Bar
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-962d3beb4fd6> in <module>()
----> 1 Bar

NameError: name 'Bar' is not defined

So it seems like I have changed the __name__ attribute of the class but I can't refer to it by that name. 所以看起来我已经改变了类的__name__属性,但我不能用它来引用它。 I know this is a bit general but could someone explain the relationship between Foo and Foo.__name__ ? 我知道这有点普遍,但有人可以解释FooFoo.__name__之间的关系Foo.__name__

It's simple. 这很简单。 There is no relationship at all. 完全没有关系。

When you create a class a local variable is created with name you used, pointing at the class so you can use it. 创建类时,将使用您使用的名称创建局部变量,指向该类以便您可以使用它。

The class also gets an attribute __name__ that contains the name of that variable, because that's handy in certain cases, like pickling. 该类还获取一个属性__name__ ,该属性包含该变量的名称,因为在某些情况下这很方便,比如酸洗。

You can set the local variable to something else, or change the __name__ variable, but then things like pickling won't work, so don't do that. 你可以将局部变量设置为其他东西,或者更改__name__变量,但是像酸洗这样的东西将不起作用,所以不要这样做。

__name__ is mere self-identification, in oder to know what type an instance of it really is. __name__仅仅是自我识别, __name__得知道它的实例是什么类型。

The other thing is the way it can be accessed with. 另一件事是它可以被访问的方式。 That can vary if you re-assign it. 如果您重新分配,这可能会有所不同。

They both are assigned at the time you define the class. 它们都是在您定义类时分配的。

It works the same way with functions: if you def them, they get assigned to the given name and they get the respective __name__ attribute. 它的工作原理与功能,以同样的方式:如果你def他们,他们会被分配到给定的名字和他们得到相应的__name__属性。

OTOH, if you have a lambda function, it gets a __name__ attribute of <lambda> , because it doesn't know the name it gets assigned to. OTOH,如果你有一个lambda函数,它会获得<lambda>__name__属性,因为它不知道它被分配给的名称。

Short version 简洁版本

class Foo(object): pass creates a class and assigns it to local name Foo . class Foo(object): pass创建一个类并将其分配给本地名称Foo

Foo.__name__ = 'Bar' assigns a new value to attribute __name__ . Foo.__name__ = 'Bar'为属性__name__分配一个新值。 The enclosing scope is not affected. 封闭范围不受影响。

Long version 长版

The class statement creates a class and assigns to the name provided in the local scope. class语句创建一个类并分配给本地范围中提供的名称。 When creating a class Python tells the class the name it was created with by assigning it to the class's __name__ attribute. 创建类时,Python通过将类指定给类的__name__属性来告诉类创建它的__name__

Assigning to a class's attribute does not introduce a name into the local scope. 分配给类的属性不会在本地范围中引入名称。 Therefore any changes to attributes (such as __name__ ) do not affect the enclosing scope. 因此,对属性(例如__name__ )的任何更改都不会影响封闭范围。

You need to keep in mind that in python a class is just an object like any other. 你需要记住,在python中,一个类只是一个像任何其他对象一样的对象。 It wouldn't make sense for an object to contain an attribute that was linked to a variable that refers to the object, because there could be any number of variable names referring to it. 对象包含链接到引用该对象的变量的属性是没有意义的,因为可能有任意数量的变量名称引用它。 Any time you write an assignment ( Bar = Foo ) or pass the object to a function, you have a new reference. 每次编写赋值( Bar = Foo )或将对象传递给函数时,都会有一个新的引用。 Naturally all objects must be independent of how they are referenced. 当然,所有对象必须独立于它们的引用方式。

__name__ is simply a piece of information attached to the class object, which happens to be the same as the variable name it's initially assigned to. __name__只是附加到类对象的一条信息,它恰好与它最初分配给它的变量名相同。

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