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[英]Javascript object member variable not cloning

I'm inheriting an object from the EASELJS library. 我正在从EASELJS库继承一个对象。 To simplify the problem, I'm reducing the code into the minimal form. 为了简化问题,我将代码简化为最小形式。

I have a class: 我有一堂课:

this.TESTProg = this.TESTProg || {};

(function() {
    var _jsbutton = function(x, y, text, icon) {
        p.init(x, y, text, icon);

    var p = _jsbutton.prototype = new createjs.Container();

    p.x = 0;
    p.y = 0;
    p.text = null;
    p.icon = null;

    p.init = function(x, y, text, icon) {
        this.x = 0 + x;
        this.y = 0 + y;
        this.text = "" + text;
        this.icon = null;

    TESTProg._jsbutton = _jsbutton;

Then I use it in another js object: 然后在另一个js对象中使用它:

    var buttoncancel = new SJSGame._jsbutton(
            profileselConfig.cancelx,    //this is defined in another jsfile:
            "cancel", "_cancel.png");

    console.log( buttoncancel.y );  //this gives 240

    var buttoncancel2 = new SJSGame._jsbutton(
            profileselConfig.cancely - 40,
            "cancel", "_cancel.png");

    console.log( buttoncancel.y );    //this gives 200
    console.log( buttoncancel2.y );   //this gives 200

    buttoncancel2.y = 100;
    console.log( buttoncancel.y );    //this now gives 200 (not changed by the second object)
    console.log( buttoncancel2.y );   //this now gives 100

The config file: 配置文件:

var _profileselConfig = function(){
    this.cancelx = 0;
    this.cancely = 240;

profileselConfig = new _profileselConfig();

And what am i doing wrong? 我在做什么错呢?

I'm already using 0 + to avoid passing the reference and it's not working. 我已经在使用0 +以避免通过引用,并且它不起作用。 What should I do now? 我现在应该怎么办? Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Thanks. 谢谢。

You should probably be calling this.init rather than p.init in your constructor. 您可能应该在构造函数中调用this.init而不是p.init

When you call p.init , the this inside of init refers to the prototype. 当您调用p.initinitthis就是原型。 Thus, whenever you create an instance, your p.init call modifies the prototype for all _jsbutton objects. 因此,无论何时创建实例,您的p.init调用都会修改所有 _jsbutton对象的原型。

That's why both buttons have the same x/y values: they both get their position from the same prototype, and the last-run constructor set the prototype values. 这就是两个按钮都具有相同x / y值的原因:它们都从同一原型获得其位置,最后运行的构造函数设置了原型值。 When you set buttoncancel2.y outside of the constructor, you gave that instance its own y property, so it no longer used the shared prototype value. 在构造函数外部设置buttoncancel2.y ,您为该实例提供了自己的y属性,因此该实例不再使用共享原型值。

If you call this.init in your constructor, then the this in init will refer to your newly-created instance. 如果你打电话this.init在你的构造,那么thisinit会参考您的新创建的实例。 The instances will no longer use the shared prototype values for x , y , text , and icon . 实例将不再使用xytexticon的共享原型值。

Side note: " I'm already using 0 + to avoid passing the reference " -- this is not necessary, because primitive types are always copied. 旁注:“ 我已经在使用0 +以避免传递引用了 ”-这不是必需的,因为原始类型总是被复制。

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