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Visual Studio 包管理器控制台的键盘快捷键?

[英]Keyboard Shortcut for the Visual Studio Package Manager Console?

What is the Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to open the Package Manager Console?打开包管理器控制台的 Visual Studio 键盘快捷键是什么?

If one doesn't exist, then how can we create it?如果一个不存在,那么我们如何创建它?

To open the Package Manager Console, hit the following four keys in succession without holding the alt key.要打开包管理器控制台,请在不按住alt键的情况下连续按以下四个键。 This is not exactly a shortcut but works for me.这不完全是捷径,但对我有用。

Alt T N O Alt T N O

You can set one by going to the "TOOLS" menu and choosing "OPTIONS" then then choosing the "Environment -> Keyboard" section.您可以通过转到“工具”菜单并选择“选项”然后选择“环境-> 键盘”部分来设置。

Then choose the "View.PackageManagerConsole" option from the list box.然后从列表框中选择“View.PackageManagerConsole”选项。 You type in the search box above the list box to filter it.您在列表框上方的搜索框中键入以对其进行过滤。 Then you can set your shortcut key.然后你可以设置你的快捷键。

Use shortcut Alt V E O使用快捷键Alt V E O

As path for ViewOther windowsPackage Manager Console作为ViewOther windowsPackage Manager Console路径

Ctrl + EP在 VS 16.7.5 中对我有用。

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