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在Visual Studio中的Package Manager控制台上更新多个包

[英]Update multiple packages on Package Manager Console in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio, Package Manager Console is faster than Package Manager Dialog, and that's why I always the console. 在Visual Studio中,程序包管理器控制台比程序包管理器对话框更快,这就是我总是控制台的原因。

However, there are certain time when I need to update 2/3 packages at a time. 但是,有一段时间我需要一次更新2/3个包。 Say, model + repository projects. 比如,模型+存储库项目。 Is there any command to specify these 2/3 packages at a time? 有没有命令一次指定这些2/3包? So that I do not need to type and wait one by one. 所以我不需要一个一个地打字和等待。

By the way, I am using VS 2013. Thanks. 顺便说一下,我正在使用VS 2013.谢谢。

You can separate the update commands using ; 您可以使用以下命令分隔更新命令; so it looks like this: 所以它看起来像这样:

Update-Package <Package1> -version <version1>; Update-Package <Package2> -version <version2>; Update-Package <Package3> -version <version3>

This way you can just run it and go grab a coffee while it's updating. 这样你就可以运行它,并在更新时去喝咖啡。

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