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[英]PHP's json_encode and JS's JSON.stringify

I'm using both PHP and Javascript to build some kind of web service. 我正在使用PHP和Javascript来构建某种Web服务。 I try to validate a token calculated on post parameters, sent from JS to PHP. 我尝试验证从JS发送到PHP的post参数计算的令牌。 Let's say the code is as follows: 假设代码如下:

JS : JS:

token = JSON.stringify(params);


token = json_encode($_POST);

Can somebody please explain me why the two resulting JSON strings doesn't have the same length ? 有人可以解释一下为什么两个生​​成的JSON字符串长度不一样吗?

(I tried to trim \\n\\r\\t in PHP, stripslashes in PHP, several JS libs) The PHP version of the string always have some more characters. (我试图修剪PHP中的\\n\\r\\t ,PHP中的stripslashes,几个JS库)字符串的PHP版本总是有更多的字符。

In JavaScript, a JSON key without quote is valid. 在JavaScript中,没有引号的JSON密钥是有效的。 In PHP, a JSON key without quote is NOT valid. 在PHP中,没有引号的JSON密钥无效。 (In fact, the right JSON syntax is with quotes on keys.) (事实上​​,正确的JSON语法是键上的引号。)

So you're right, the difference came from JSON.stringify who strip the quotes from your integer key. 所以你是对的,不同之处JSON.stringify从整数键中删除了引号。

I was having the same issue where I wanted to compare an encrypted version of the encoded json string. 我有同样的问题,我想比较编码的json字符串的加密版本。 To make the output of json_encode identical to javascripts JSON.stringify you can do this: 要使json_encode的输出与javascripts JSON.stringify相同,您可以这样做:

$php_string = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

Actually, I had an integer which was encapsed in double-quotes in PHP but not in JS. 实际上,我有一个整数,在PHP中用双引号括起来但不包含在JS中。 As I only need to validate that the data are the same, and I don't care about the values, I striped all the double quotes, and it did the trick. 因为我只需要验证数据是否相同,而且我不关心这些值,所以我对所有双引号进行了条带化​​处理。

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