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[英]Including JavaScript in PHP's json_encode()

I need to generate the following script using PHP and json_encode(). 我需要使用PHP和json_encode()生成以下脚本。

var obj= {
    o2: {
        o3: 456,
        o4: function() {return $( "#myID" ).val();}

My attempt to do so is as follows. 我的尝试如下。

        'o4'=>'function() {return $( "#myID" ).val();}'
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    <?php echo("var obj={$json};");?>

The resultant output is as follows. 结果输出如下。 The quotes around the properties poses no issues, however, the quotes around the JavaScript renders it as a string and not JavaScript. 属性周围的引号没有问题,但是,JavaScript周围的引号将其呈现为字符串而不是JavaScript。 I obviously can't not quote the JavaScript in the array as it will result in malformed JSON. 我显然不能在数组中引用JavaScript,因为它会导致JSON格式错误。

How can I include JavaScript in PHP's json_encode()? 如何在JavaScript的json_encode()中包含JavaScript?

var obj={
        "o4":"function() {return $( \"#username\" ).val();}"

JSON does not support functions. JSON不支持功能。 Its a data interchange format. 它是一种数据交换格式。 Perhaps you should send some configuration data down and have a function change its behavior on that. 也许您应该向下发送一些配置数据,并通过一个函数更改其行为。 Or since you aren't doing it as an AJAX call at this point, just echo it out: 或由于此时您尚未将其作为AJAX调用进行处理,因此只需将其回显即可:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
<?php echo("var obj={$json};");?>
<?php echo("obj.myFunc  = function..."); ?>

How about removing the quotations that surround the function? 如何删除函数周围的引号?


$obj = array(
    'o1' => 123,
    'o2' => array(
        'o3' => 456,
        'o4' => 'function() {return $( "#myID" ).val();}',
        'o5' => 'function(param) {return $( "#myID" ).val();}'
$json = json_encode($obj);

while ($func = strpos($json, '":"function(')) {
    $json = substr($json, 0, $func + 2) . substr($json, $func + 3);
    while ($quote = strpos($json, '"', $func + 2)) {
        $func = $quote + 1;
        if (substr($json, $quote - 1, 1) == "\\") {
            $json = substr($json, 0, $quote - 1) . substr($json, $quote);
        $json = substr($json, 0, $quote) . substr($json, $quote + 1);

echo $json;

This checks if the string starts with function( , and if it is, removes the double quotes. 这将检查字符串是否以function(开头,如果是,则删除双引号。

The result is a JSON (but can still be used as a JavaScript object): 结果是JSON (但仍可以用作JavaScript对象):

{"o1":123,"o2":{"o3":456,"o4":function() {return $( "#myID" ).val();},"o5":function(param) {return $( "#myID" ).val();}}}

Upon setting this object to a variable, you can see that the function registered fine. 将此对象设置为变量后,您可以看到该函数已正确注册。

With that, you can still use the same technique you used before: 这样,您仍然可以使用以前使用的相同技术:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    <?php echo("var obj={$json};");?>

This is what I ended up doing. 这就是我最终要做的。 Kind of hackish, and I expect Dave's is a better solution, but haven't yet tested it. 有点骇人听闻,我希望Dave是更好的解决方案,但尚未对其进行测试。 I will do so. 我会照办的。


class fubar {
    public function json_encode_JS($array)
        $json=str_replace(array('"%','%"'), '', $json);
        $json=str_replace('\"', '"', $json);
        return $json;
    private function _json_encode_JS($array)
        foreach($array as $key => $value){
            else {
                if(strpos($value, 'function(')===0){
        return $array;

    'o2'=>'function() {return $("#myID").val();}',
        'o5'=>'function() {alert("Hello why don\'t you answer "+$("#myID").val());}'

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $obj=new fubar();
    echo('var obj='.$obj->json_encode_JS($array).';');
<input id="myID" name="myID" type="text" value="hello">

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