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创建ubercart预购drupal 7

[英]Create ubercart Pre Order drupal 7

I am looking for a solution to create a pre-order function using ubercart 3 and Drupal 7 我正在寻找使用ubercart 3和Drupal 7创建预订功能的解决方案

Basically I am creating a website whereby only registered retail customers can place orders online using the website but I want to add products to the site that have not arrived yet and have the add to order button display as pre-order and show an ETA of when the product is arriving. 基本上,我正在创建一个网站,只有注册的零售客户可以使用该网站在线下订单,但是我想将尚未到达的产品添加到该网站,并使“添加到订单”按钮显示为预购并显示何时产品即将到货。

Anyone have an Idea how I can achieve this ? 任何人都有一个想法,我怎么能做到这一点?

The Estimated Time Of Arrival can be a simple product date field that you will set. 预计到达时间可以是您要设置的简单产品日期字段

Also, since you want the product to be available for preorder you can alter the button label using hook_form_alter . 另外,由于您希望该产品可预订,因此可以使用hook_form_alter更改按钮标签。 And the if statement for the button (so that you alter only the products that have a preorder) will be the ETA field above or an extra helper field of boolean type that will enable the "Preorder" state. 按钮的if语句(以便您仅更改具有预购商品的商品)将是上方ETA字段,或者是布尔类型的额外帮助程序字段 ,它将启用“预购”状态。

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