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在Mac OSX上需要什么以及如何安装zucchini框架?

[英]What is required and how to install zucchini framework on Mac OSX?

Zucchini framework seems a promising candidate for quality assurance of iOS user interfaces. Zucchini框架似乎是iOS用户界面质量保证的有希望的候选者。

However, the installation steps provided on their website assume that most of the prerequisites already exist OR that one is already familiar with the intricacies of command line. 但是, 其网站上提供的安装步骤假定大多数先决条件已经存在,或者已经熟悉命令行的复杂性。

I would like to know what requires to be installed before I can successfully install and use zucchini framework on Mac OSX. 我想在Mac OSX上成功安装和使用zucchini框架之前知道需要安装什么。

Requirements 要求

Zucchini framework has the following requirements: Zucchini框架具有以下要求:

  • Ruby >= 1.9.3 Ruby> = 1.9.3
  • Xcode >= 4.2 (for this installation process we require Xcode >= 4.6.2) Xcode> = 4.2(对于这个安装过程,我们需要Xcode> = 4.6.2)
  • Xcode command line tools Xcode命令行工具
  • Nodejs 的NodeJS
  • Coffee script (node module) 咖啡脚本(节点模块)

How to install 如何安装

  1. Install Homebrew 安装Homebrew

    $> ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  2. Update Homebrew 更新Homebrew

    $> brew update

  3. Install imagemagick and nodejs 安装imagemagick和nodejs

    $> brew install imagemagick node

  4. Install coffee script module for nodejs 为nodejs安装coffee脚本模块

    i. 一世。 Install coffee script 安装咖啡脚本

    $> npm install coffee-script

    ii. II。 Add coffee bin to your PATH environment variable 将咖啡箱添加到PATH环境变量中

    $> cd ~

    $> sudo vim .bash_profile

    • Press i , to switch into insert mode then add following line i ,切换到插入模式,然后添加以下行
    • PATH=$PATH:$HOME/node_modules/coffee-script/bin
    • Press :w to save and :w保存并且
    • Press :q to quit vim :q退出vim
    • Now relaunch the terminal. 现在重新启动终端。

    iii. III。 Verify that coffee script is successfully installed. 验证是否已成功安装咖啡脚本。

    • At the prompt 在提示

      $> coffee $>咖啡

    • To exit from coffee script type following at the coffee> prompt: 要在coffee>提示符下退出咖啡脚本类型,请执行以下操作:

      process.exit() process.exit()

  5. Install command line tools for Xcode 安装Xcode的命令行工具

  6. Install and/or update ruby (if its less than 1.9.3) 安装和/或更新ruby (如果小于1.9.3)

    i. 一世。 ruby is installed on Mac OSX by default, verify using the following command: 默认情况下,在Mac OSX上安装ruby,使用以下命令进行验证:

    $> ruby -v

    ii. II。 Install rvm (Ruby version manager) 安装rvm(Ruby版本管理器)

    $> \\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails --autolibs=enabled

    iii. III。 Add rvm bin directory to path variable $> sudo vim .bash_profile 将rvm bin目录添加到路径变量$> sudo vim .bash_profile

    • Insert the following line, save and quit 插入以下行,保存并退出
      [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
    • Relaunch the terminal. 重新启动终端。

    iv. IV。 Update ruby to 1.9.3 or later 将ruby更新为1.9.3或更高版本

    $> rvm install 1.9.3

  7. Install zucchini 安装西葫芦

    $> gem install zucchini-ios

NOTE: I have included the reference for each step from where I got help during installation. 注意:我在安装过程中获得帮助的每个步骤都包含了参考。

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