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[英]How to copy element from one xml to another xml with python

I have 2 xmls (they happen to be android text resources), the first one is:我有 2 个 xml(它们恰好是 android 文本资源),第一个是:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="TXT_T1">AAAA</string>

and the second is第二个是

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="TXT_T2">BBBB</string>

I know the attribute of the element that I want to copy, in my example it's TXT_T1.我知道要复制的元素的属性,在我的示例中它是 TXT_T1。 Using python, how to copy it to the other xml and paste it right behind TXT_T2?使用python,如何将其复制到另一个xml并将其粘贴到TXT_T2后面?

lxml is the king of xml parsing. lxml是xml解析之王。 I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you could try something like this我不确定这是否是你要找的,但你可以试试这样的

from lxml import etree as et

# select a parser and make it remove whitespace
# to discard xml file formatting
parser = et.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)

# get the element tree of both of the files
src_tree = et.parse('src.xml', parser)
dest_tree = et.parse('dest.xml', parser)

# get the root element "resources" as
# we want to add it a new element
dest_root = dest_tree.getroot()

# from anywhere in the source document find the "string" tag
# that has a "name" attribute with the value of "TXT_T1"
src_tag = src_tree.find('//string[@name="TXT_T1"]')

# append the tag

# overwrite the xml file
et.ElementTree(dest_root).write('dest.xml', pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

This assumes, that the first file is called src.xml and the second dest.xml.这假设第一个文件名为 src.xml,第二个文件名为 dest.xml。 This also assumes that the element under which you need to copy the new element is the parent element.这也假设您需要在其下复制新元素的元素是父元素。 If not, you can use the find method to find the parent you need or if you don't know the parent, search for the tag with 'TXT_T2' and use tag.getparent() to get the parent.如果没有,您可以使用 find 方法查找您需要的父级,或者如果您不知道父级,则使用 'TXT_T2' 搜索标签并使用 tag.getparent() 获取父级。

This will work only for your simple example:这仅适用于您的简单示例:

>>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Document
>>> def merge_xml(dom1, dom2):
    node_to_add = None
    dom3 = Document()
    for node_res in dom1.getElementsByTagName('resources'):
        for node_str in node_res.getElementsByTagName('string'):
            if 'TXT_T1' == node_str.attributes.values()[0].value:
                node_to_add = node_str

    for node_res in dom2.getElementsByTagName('resources'):
        node_str3 = dom3.appendChild(node_res)
        for node_str in node_res.getElementsByTagName('string'):
            if 'TXT_T2' in node_str.attributes.values()[0].value and node_to_add is not None:
    return dom3.toxml()

>>> dom2 = parseString('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="TXT_T2">BBBB</string>
>>> dom1 = parseString('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="TXT_T1">AAAA</string>
>>> print merge_xml(dom1, dom2)
<?xml version="1.0" ?><resources>

<string name="TXT_T2">BBBB</string><string name="TXT_T1">AAAA</string></resources>

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