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[英]Passing a generic list to a multi-parameter method in C#

Working on a program where I need to pass three pieces of information to a method that will, in turn, create a row for a table from the data passed in. 在需要将三条信息传递给一个方法的程序上,该方法将依次根据传入的数据为表创建一行。

The variables are: 变量是:

var runningTally = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
var comments = query.ToList();
var columns = query.ToList();

I'd call the method like this: 我会这样调用该方法:

foreach (var key in _masterList.Keys)
    CreateRow(key, runningTally, columns);

I was hoping my method signature could look like this: 我希望我的方法签名看起来像这样:

private void CreateRow(string key, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>
 runningTally, List<T> columns)

But that doesn't work (the editor complains that the type 'T' can't be found). 但这是行不通的(编辑器抱怨找不到“ T”类型)。 I was hoping someone could tell me how to properly use a generic list as a parameter for a method. 我希望有人能告诉我如何正确地将通用列表用作方法的参数。 I appreciate any help and advice! 我感谢任何帮助和建议!

You need to mark the method as generic. 您需要将方法标记为通用。

Like this: 像这样:

private void CreateRow<T>(string key, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>
 runningTally, List<T> columns)

Notice the method name itself has the generic parameter added to it. 请注意,方法名称本身已添加了通用参数。

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