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如何获取go struct的字段

[英]How to get the fields of go struct

Lets say we have a User type 让我们说我们有一个User类型

type User struct {
    FirstName string
    LastName  string

I need a function that returns []string with the field names in it [FirstName, LastName, ...] 我需要一个函数返回[]string其中包含字段名称[FirstName, LastName, ...]

This can be done using reflection (via the reflect package): 这可以使用反射(通过反射包)完成:

instance := struct{Foo string; Bar int }{"foo", 2}

v := reflect.ValueOf(instance)

names := make([]string, 0, v.NumField())

v.FieldByNameFunc(func(fieldName string) bool{
    names = append(names, fieldName)
    return false

Live example on play . 游戏中的实例。

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