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[英]MySQL Update by Row number

I need to update rows by their number(not AI ID, cause some of the rows may will be removed). 我需要按行号更新行(不是AI ID,因为某些行可能会被删除)。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I mean something like this: 我的意思是这样的:

UPDATE cars SET idx = value WHERE row_number = i

I would do this in a 'for' statement, and i is the integer of my statement. 我会在“ for”语句中执行此操作,并且我是语句的整数。 So I would update every row in the statement. 因此,我将更新语句中的每一行。

Sorry for my bad english, and thanks! 对不起,我的英语不好,谢谢!

Here's a pure MySQL solution: 这是一个纯MySQL解决方案:

/*test data*/
create table foo (id int auto_increment primary key, a int);
insert into foo (a) values (10), (11), (12);

/*update statement*/
update foo
set a = 5
where id = (
   select id from (
      select id, @rownum:=@rownum + 1 as rownumber 
      from foo, (select @rownum:=0) vars order by id
   ) sq where rownumber = 2

Results in: 结果是:

| ID |  A |
|  1 | 10 |
|  2 |  5 |
|  3 | 12 |

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about this. 随时询问您是否对此有任何疑问。

Also, note the order by id in there. 另外,请注意其中order by id It's important, cause in a database there is no first or last row. 这很重要,因为在数据库中没有第一行或最后一行。 Without an order by clause theoretically there could be each time a different result. 理论上,如果没有按顺序排列的子句,每次都会有不同的结果。

You can also see it working live here in an sqlfiddle . 您也可以在sqlfiddle中看到它的实时运行

i don't know this about mysql but you can do this in php 我不知道有关mysql的信息,但是您可以在php中执行此操作

$row_number=?   ;//the row no of mysql you want to change the id 
$id=? ;//the new id 
mysql_connect //do it yourself
$query="select 8 from tablename";  //the query
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) // fetch each row one by one an put data in array $row
    $count++;     //increment count means the no of rows are incermented
    if($count==$rownumber)   //the row where you want to edit the id
        $query1="update tablename set id='".$id."' where id=".$row["id"];  //new query on that particular row

this will work , just modify this code according to your use 这将起作用,只需根据您的使用修改此代码

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