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如何在节点中解码gtfs protobufs

[英]how do you decode gtfs protobufs in node

I am trying to use https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js to parse triments gtfs data. 我正在尝试使用https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js解析gtfs数据片段。

Here is the code I have so far, it parses the .proto file correctly and creates the builder and has all the expected properties and methods, it throws an error when I try to decode any data with it. 这是我到目前为止的代码,它可以正确解析.proto文件并创建生成器,并具有所有预期的属性和方法,当我尝试使用它解码任何数据时,它将引发错误。

Error: Data must be corrupt: Buffer overrun

the proto file is from https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/gtfs-realtime-proto 原始文件来自https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/gtfs-realtime-proto

var ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs')
  , request = require('request')

var transit = ProtoBuf.protoFromFile('gtfs-realtime.proto').build('transit_realtime')

request('http://developer.trimet.org/ws/V1/FeedSpecAlerts/?appID=618F30BB3062F39AF24AED9EC', parse)

function parse(err, res, body) {
  try {
  } catch(e) {

Thanks to Brian Ferris I able to parse the first part of the header gtfs_realtime_version: "1" but the parser fails on the next component (the time stamp uint64) 多亏了Brian Ferris,我能够解析标题gtfs_realtime_version: "1"的第一部分gtfs_realtime_version: "1"但是解析器在下一个组件上失败(时间戳uint64)

Thanks to 谢谢

I kept finding your question when searching for the same issue you were having and hopefully I can help someone else. 在搜索您遇到的相同问题时,我一直在寻找您的问题,希望我能帮助其他人。 After scouring the internet for a lot longer than I should have, I've come up with something that works. 在搜寻互联网的时间长于我应有的时间之后,我想出了一些可行的方法。 I didn't quite understand the data until I had a working feed decoded. 在对有效的供稿进行解码之前,我不太了解数据。

It largely appears that this has to do with how the data is being read. 似乎很大程度上与读取数据的方式有关。 I'm not a NodeJS person so I don't know why, but it's dependent on how the data is read with http rather than request for decoding. 我不是NodeJS使用者,所以我不知道为什么,但这取决于如何通过http读取数据,而不是request解码。 I couldn't get the same method to work with request for the data. 我无法使用相同的方法来处理数据request

Part of this I found from https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js/wiki/How-to-read-binary-data-in-the-browser-or-under-node.js%3F but I didn't quite yet understand how to use protobufjs , so I'm putting a working example here for others. 我从https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js/wiki/How-to-read-binary-data-in-the-browser-or-under-node.js%3F找到了部分内容,但我没有尚未了解如何使用protobufjs ,因此我在这里为其他人提供了一个有效的示例。 Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

var ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs');
var http = require("http");

// create a protobuf decoder
var transit = ProtoBuf.protoFromFile('gtfs-realtime.proto').build('transit_realtime');
// your protobuf binary feed URL
var feedUrl = "...";    

// HTTP GET the binary feed
http.get(feedUrl, parse);

// process the feed
function parse(res) {
    // gather the data chunks into a list
    var data = [];
    res.on("data", function(chunk) {
    res.on("end", function() {
        // merge the data to one buffer, since it's in a list
        data = Buffer.concat(data);
        // create a FeedMessage object by decooding the data with the protobuf object
        var msg = transit.FeedMessage.decode(data);
        // do whatever with the object

I was able to get this to work (with New York MTA feeds, anyway) by forcing the request module to have a null encoding, thus ensuring it returns a buffer instead of a string. 通过强制request模块具有空编码,我能够使它正常工作(无论如何与纽约MTA提要一起使用),从而确保它返回缓冲区而不是字符串。 Like so: 像这样:

    url: 'http://developer.trimet.org/ws/V1/FeedSpecAlerts/?appID=618F30BB3062F39AF24AED9EC'
    encoding: null
}, parse)

Then the parsing appears to work fine. 然后,解析似乎可以正常工作。

From the Google Developers page at developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/code-samples . 在Google Developers页面的developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/code-samples上 Google has now made a Node.js npm module available to make things very easy: Google现在提供了Node.js npm模块,使事情变得非常简单:

npm install gtfs-realtime-bindings

Here's Google's code snippet ( Apache 2.0 License ) 这是Google的代码段( Apache 2.0许可

var GtfsRealtimeBindings = require('gtfs-realtime-bindings');
var request = require('request');

var requestSettings = {
  method: 'GET',
  encoding: null
request(requestSettings, function (error, response, body) {
  if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
    var feed = GtfsRealtimeBindings.FeedMessage.decode(body);
    feed.entity.forEach(function(entity) {
      if (entity.trip_update) {

This does not answer your issue but you can get RT feed in text using url like http://developer.trimet.org/ws/V1/FeedSpecAlerts/appid/618F30BB3062F39AF24AED9EC/text/true 这不能解决您的问题,但是您可以使用诸如http://developer.trimet.org/ws/V1/FeedSpecAlerts/appid/618F30BB3062F39AF24AED9EC/text/true这样的网址获取RT Feed文本

Also have a look at node-gtfs module. 还可以看看node-gtfs模块。

I'm not a node expert, but the root message type of a GTFS-realtime feed is "FeedMessage": 我不是节点专家,但是GTFS实时供稿的根消息类型是“ FeedMessage”:

https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/reference https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/reference

You seem to be trying to parse the feed as an "Alert" message: 您似乎正在尝试将提要解析为“警告”消息:


Maybe try changing Alert to FeedMessage and see what happens? 也许尝试将Alert更改为FeedMessage并查看会发生什么?

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