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[英]How to concatenate resolved path with another directory

How to concatenate web config resources directory path with resolved main directory path. 如何将Web配置资源目录路径与已解析的主目录路径连接起来。 In Octopus resolve-path gets me correct path of directory but I wont be able to concatenate that path with another directory. 在Octopus中,resolve-path为我提供了正确的目录路径,但是我无法将该路径与另一个目录连接起来。 I am using following code, please guide. 我正在使用以下代码,请指导。

$webConfigResources = (resolve-path .)
$webConfigResources +=  "\ResourcesConfiguration.config"
$doc = (gc $webConfigResources) -as [xml]
$doc.SelectSingleNode('//resourcesConfigSection/resources/@baseDirectory').'#text' =            

Resolve-Path returns a System.Management.Automation.PathInfo object (not a string). Resolve-Path返回System.Management.Automation.PathInfo对象(不是字符串)。 Use Join-Path : 使用Join-Path

$webConfigResources = Join-Path (Resolve-Path .) "\ResourcesConfiguration.config"

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