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[英]Why use Long.valueOf(…) rather than a long literal?

Recently I stumbled over code where people write stuff like 最近我偶然发现了人们写东西的代码

Long myLong = Long.valueOf(42);

// instead of

Long myLong = 42L;

I have no clue why one would do this, except for personal taste regarding readability. 我不知道为什么会这样做,除了有关可读性的个人品味。

Am I missing something? 我错过了什么吗?

with direct assignment you are required to cast if assigning int to Long ( int to primitive long is implicit) and they get autoboxed automatically using Long.valueOf 使用直接赋值,如果将int赋值为Longint to primitive long is implicit),则autoboxed进行Long.valueOf并使用Long.valueOf自动进行自动Long.valueOf

    Long myLong1 = Long.valueOf(42);
    Long myLong2 = Long.valueOf(42L);
    Long myLong3 = 42L;
    Long myLong4 = (long) 42;

otherwise they are all same See bytecode output from javap 否则它们都是相同的从javap看到字节码输出

  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
       0: ldc2_w        #16                 // long 42l
       3: invokestatic  #18                 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/lang/Long;
       6: astore_1      
       7: ldc2_w        #16                 // long 42l
      10: invokestatic  #18                 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/lang/Long;
      13: astore_2      
      14: ldc2_w        #16                 // long 42l
      17: invokestatic  #18                 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/lang/Long;
      20: astore_3      
      21: ldc2_w        #16                 // long 42l
      24: invokestatic  #18                 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/lang/Long;
      27: astore        4
      29: return        

However using new Long(42L) should be avoided if not absolutely necessary and one of above statement needs to be used in favor of this as valueOf methods normally cache a range of values ( FlyWeight Design Pattern ) by JVM internally 但是,如果不是绝对必要的话,应该避免使用new Long(42L)并且需要使用上述语句之一作为valueOf方法通常在内部通过JVM缓存一系列值( FlyWeight Design Pattern

Trivia: In case of integers & Oracle JVM the range can be controlled using -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax= 琐事:如果是整数和Oracle JVM,可以使用-XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=控制范围-XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=

The snippet 片段

Long myLong = 42L;

is internally the same as 在内部是相同的

Long myLong = Long.valueOf(42);

The compiler will generate the same bytecode. 编译器将生成相同的字节码。

I also think it's a reminder of java before java5, where there was no autoboxing, and where 我也认为这是java5之前的java的提醒,其中没有自动装箱,以及在哪里

Long l = 42L; 

could not be compiled. 无法编译。


valueOf takes a primitive long . valueOf需要一个原始的long For literals, I'd agree that 42L is better, but if you have an int or long variable, Long.valueOf is a good way to get a Long . 对于文字,我同意42L更好,但如果你有一个intlong变量, Long.valueOf是获得Long的好方法。 valueOf also uses a cache of values from -128 to 127, which gives it a slight performance edge over new Long(long) for common values. valueOf还使用-128到127之间的缓存,这使得它在常见值的new Long(long)具有轻微的性能优势。

People who don't realize you can do it the other way? 没有意识到你可以通过其他方式做到的人?

I have to wonder if the compiler is smart enough to convert the Long.valueOf to the same bytecode, for constant calls. 我不得不怀疑编译器是否足够聪明,可以将Long.valueOf转换为相同的字节码,以进行常量调用。 Otherwise there would be a tiny performance hit (not significant, but you might notice it heavily-run, tight loops). 否则会有一个微小的性能损失(不重要,但你可能会注意到它运行严重,紧密的循环)。

The valueOf version is useful for casting primitive values safely, handy if you're doing a bunch of casts between primitive types and don't want to (for example) cause problems doing: (int)longBiggerThanIntCanHandle valueOf版本对于安全地转换原始值非常有用,如果你在原始类型之间进行一系列强制转换并且不希望(例如)导致问题,那么它很方便:(int)longBiggerThanIntCanHandle

(You wouldn't care about doing (long)intValue, but if you're doing a bunch of conversions both ways, it's good to use valueOf as a convention, for safety.) (你不会关心做(长)intValue,但是如果你在两种方式都做了很多转换,那么为了安全起见,最好使用valueOf作为约定。)

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