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[英]why does replaceAll throw an exception

i have a string where i want to get rid of brackets 我有一个要删除括号的字符串

this is my string "(name)" and i want to get "name" 这是我的字符串"(name)" ,我想获取"name"

the same thing without the brackets 没有括号的同样的事情

i had String s = "(name)"; 我有String s = "(name)";

i wrote 我写

s = s.replaceAll("(","");
s = s.replaceAll(")","");

and i get an exception for that 我对此有一个例外

Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed group near index 1

how do i get rid of the brackets? 我如何摆脱括号?

Parenthesis characters ( and ) delimit the bounds of a capturing group in a regular expression which is used as the first argument in replaceAll . 括号字符()在正则表达式中界定捕获组的边界,该正则表达式用作replaceAll的第一个参数。 The characters need to be escaped. 字符需要转义。

s = s.replaceAll("\\(","");
s = s.replaceAll("\\)","");

Better yet, you could simply place the parenthesis in a character class to prevent the characters being interpreted as meta-characters 更好的是,您可以简单地将括号放在字符类中,以防止将字符解释为元字符

s = s.replaceAll("[()]","");

s = s.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");

Regex isn't needed here. 这里不需要正则表达式。

If you wanted to use Regex (not sure why you would) you could do something like this: 如果您想使用正则表达式(不确定为什么),可以执行以下操作:

s = s.replaceAll("\\\\(", "").replaceAll("\\\\)", "");

The problem was that ( and ) are meta characters so you need to escape them (assuming you want them to be interpreted as how they appear). 问题是()是元字符,因此您需要对其进行转义(假设您希望将它们解释为它们的外观)。

String#replaceAll takes regular expression as argument. String#replaceAll将正则表达式作为参数。 You are using Grouping Meta-characters as regular expression argument.That is why getting error. 您正在使用将Grouping Meta-characters作为正则表达式参数,这就是为什么会出错的原因。

Meta-characters are used to group, divide, and perform special operations in patterns. 元字符用于按模式分组,划分和执行特殊操作。

\       Escape the next meta-character (it becomes a normal/literal character)
^       Match the beginning of the line
.       Match any character (except newline)
$       Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end)
|       Alternation (‘or’ statement)
()      Grouping
[]      Custom character class

So use 所以用
1. \\\\( instead of ( 1. \\\\(代替(
2. \\\\) instead of ) 2. \\\\)代替)

You'll need to escape the brackets like this: 您需要像这样逃避括号:

s = s.replaceAll("\\(","");
s = s.replaceAll("\\)","");

You need two slashes since the regex processing engine would need to see a \\( to process the bracket as a literal bracket (and not as part of the regex expression), and you'll need to escape the backslash so the regex engine would be able to see it as a backslash. 您需要两个斜杠,因为正则表达式处理引擎需要看到一个\\(才能将括号作为文字括号处理(而不是作为正则表达式的一部分),并且您需要转义反斜杠,因此正则表达式引擎将能够将其视为反斜线。

You need to escape the ( and the ) they have special string literal meaning. 您需要转义(和)它们具有特殊的字符串文字含义。 Do it like this: 像这样做:

s = s.replaceAll("\\(","");
s = s.replaceAll("\\)","");

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