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[英]Seg fault dynamically allocated 2d array

I have a homework assignment where I have to dynamically allocate a 2d array and i am getting seg faults when my arrays are long and skinny, such as 2x8, and the problem only occurs when certain values are in the array. 我有一个作业分配,其中我必须动态分配2d数组,并且当我的数组又长又瘦如2x8时,我会遇到段错误,并且仅在数组中有某些值时才会出现问题。 here is my code for making the array and then deleting it. 这是我制作数组然后删除它的代码。

int main()
  int **p;
  int w, h;

  cin >> w >> h;

  p= new int *[w];
  for (int k=0; k<w; k++)
    p[k]= new int[h];
  for (int i=0; i<h; i++)
    for(int k=0; k<w; k++)
      cin >> p[i][k];

  for (int k=0; k < w; k++)
    delete []p[k];
  delete []p;
  return 0;

example input that causes seg fault: 
8 2
5 4 2 3 0 1 2 5
2 0 1 0 9 6 3 2

Using gdb I found it is segfaulting right after the first delete in the loop. 使用gdb时,我发现它在循环中的第一次删除之后就存在段错误。

You have mixed up your indexes. 您混合了索引。 You allocate w pointers, but your loop runs i through h elements. 您分配w指针,但是循环通过h元素运行i

The loops for assigning values have their boundaries swapped. 分配值的循环的边界被交换。

p is given an array of length w , but then the iterator i which loops up to h is used to index it. p一个长度为w的数组,但是循环到h的迭代器i用于对其进行索引。

p= new int *[w];


cin >> p[i][k];

p[i][k] is read as p[i] then indexed by [k] . p[i][k]被读取为p[i]然后由[k]索引。

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