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[英]In-App-Purchase invalid product id only on release version

I released a new version of an app yesterday which added in app purchases. 我昨天发布了新版本的应用程序,其中包含购买的应用程序。 We did testing with a test account in sandboxed mode and everything worked correctly, however once we download the app from the app store the SKProductsRequestDelegate method: 我们使用沙盒模式下的测试帐户进行了测试,并且一切正常,但是,一旦我们从应用商店中下载了SKProductsRequestDelegate方法,即可:

(void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response

returns invalid product id's instead of valid ones. 返回无效的产品ID,而不是有效的产品ID。 I'm baffled because I've had these types of problems before but only when trying to get them to work in debug mode, never after the app has been released from the app store. 我很困惑,因为我以前曾经遇到过这类问题,但仅在尝试使它们以调试模式工作时才遇到,而从未在应用商店中发布该应用之后。 I've double checked everything on the list here http://troybrant.net/blog/2010/01/invalid-product-ids/ and none of those are the problem. 我已经仔细检查了http://troybrant.net/blog/2010/01/invalid-product-ids/列表中的所有内容,但这些都不是问题。

Here's another thread which is exactly my problem but no solution here: iOS In App Purchase - "Invalid Product ID" in release, NOT development version 这是我的问题,但这里没有解决方案的另一个线程: iOS应用内购买-发布中的“无效产品ID”,不是开发版本

I also encounter this problem and after 22 hours the problem be fixed automated. 我也遇到此问题,并且在22小时后将问题自动修复。 So I think this is the app store's problem that apple need some time to add your iap ID in their server. 因此,我认为这是应用程序商店的问题,苹果需要一些时间才能在其服务器中添加您的Iap ID。

It turns out in app purchases are magic. 事实证明,购买应用程序是神奇的。 At around 8 pm we noticed that things started working normally. 大约晚上8点,我们注意到事情开始正常进行。 We had previously filed a request for help from Apple but never received a response so I'm not sure if that's what kicked off the fix or if it was just one of those things we needed to wait on. 我们之前曾向Apple提出过帮助请求,但从未收到任何回复,因此我不确定这是启动修复程序的原因还是仅仅是我们需要等待的事情之一。

I am also suffering with this issue and I went to Apple Developer Forum to get the solution. 我也遇到这个问题,因此我去了苹果开发者论坛以获得解决方案。 The problem is might be with Review team's device or environment. 问题可能出在审阅团队的设备或环境上。

Here is the link of full thread: https://devforums.apple.com/thread/233371 这是全线程的链接: https : //devforums.apple.com/thread/233371

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