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[英]Update Primefaces datatable Rows

I want to know how to update a PrimeFaces Datatable rows. 我想知道如何更新PrimeFaces Datatable行。 This is my datatable photo to understand me well: 这是我了解我的数据表照片:

![1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/N1jGz.png ![1]: http//i.stack.imgur.com/N1jGz.png

I want to choose for each row his respective state and then click Save States button to save these values. 我想为每一行选择各自的状态,然后单击“保存状态”按钮以保存这些值。

This is my xhtml page code: 这是我的xhtml页面代码:

<p:panel header="List Of Players For: #gameMB.selectedGame.teamCompetitionByGuestTeam}">
  <p:dataTable var="gam" value="#{gamePlayerMB.listGamePlayerGuest}">
    <p:column headerText="Name Lastname">
        <h:outputText value="#{gam.playerName}/>
     <p:selectOneRadio value="#{gam.state}">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Titulaire" itemValue="Titulaire" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Remplaçant" itemValue="Remplaçant" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Blesse" itemValue="Blesse" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Non retenu" itemValue="Non retenu" />
 <f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton value="Save States"
    action="#{gamePlayerMB.testRadioGuest}" />

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

  1. You should have used simple h:outputText as a component to render the Player's state (Titulare,Blessé,...) 您应该使用简单的h:outputText作为组件来呈现播放器的状态(Titulare,Blessé,...)
  2. Use primefaces datatable editable="true" with p:selectOneMenu in the p:cellEditor to render the list of available choices. 使用p:cellEditor中的p:cellEditor p:selectOneMenuprimefaces datatable editable="true"一起呈现可用选项的列表。
  3. here's a head start link. 这是一个领先的链接。

If I've understood you right, You just want to create table with edit function. 如果我理解正确,那么您只想使用编辑功能创建表。 For solving this trouble just pass your table and your button to form. 为了解决此问题,只需将表格和按钮传递给表单即可。

   <p:dataTable var="gam" value="#{gamePlayerMB.listGamePlayerGuest}">
   <p:commandButton value="Save States" action="#{gamePlayerMB.testRadioGuest}" />

In this case on Save-button click all form will be sent to the server (with all your changing). 在这种情况下,单击“保存”按钮,所有表单都将发送到服务器(所有更改都将被发送)。 Your testRadioGuest method may looked like this 您的testRadioGuest方法可能看起来像这样

private void testRadioGuest(){
   for(Player player: listGamePlayerGuest){

All state changing must be saved. 必须保存所有状态更改。

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