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Update Primefaces datatable Rows

I want to know how to update a PrimeFaces Datatable rows. This is my datatable photo to understand me well:

![1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/N1jGz.png

I want to choose for each row his respective state and then click Save States button to save these values.

This is my xhtml page code:

<p:panel header="List Of Players For: #gameMB.selectedGame.teamCompetitionByGuestTeam}">
  <p:dataTable var="gam" value="#{gamePlayerMB.listGamePlayerGuest}">
    <p:column headerText="Name Lastname">
        <h:outputText value="#{gam.playerName}/>
     <p:selectOneRadio value="#{gam.state}">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Titulaire" itemValue="Titulaire" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Remplaçant" itemValue="Remplaçant" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Blesse" itemValue="Blesse" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Non retenu" itemValue="Non retenu" />
 <f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton value="Save States"
    action="#{gamePlayerMB.testRadioGuest}" />

Thanks in advance.

  1. You should have used simple h:outputText as a component to render the Player's state (Titulare,Blessé,...)
  2. Use primefaces datatable editable="true" with p:selectOneMenu in the p:cellEditor to render the list of available choices.
  3. here's a head start link.

If I've understood you right, You just want to create table with edit function. For solving this trouble just pass your table and your button to form.

   <p:dataTable var="gam" value="#{gamePlayerMB.listGamePlayerGuest}">
   <p:commandButton value="Save States" action="#{gamePlayerMB.testRadioGuest}" />

In this case on Save-button click all form will be sent to the server (with all your changing). Your testRadioGuest method may looked like this

private void testRadioGuest(){
   for(Player player: listGamePlayerGuest){

All state changing must be saved.

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