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Knockout Mapping - fromJS - 失败了一个简单的例子

[英]Knockout Mapping - fromJS - failing on a simple example

I'm trying to figure out what I'm misunderstanding with Knockout's mapping library. 我试图弄清楚我对Knockout的映射库有什么误解。 I've stripped it down to a simple example, and still can get it to fail (rather, not update with the mapped variables) with the fromJS call. 我已经将它简化为一个简单的例子,并且仍然可以通过fromJS调用使其失败(而不是使用映射的变量进行更新)。

What am I getting fundamentally wrong in this example? 在这个例子中,我从根本上犯了什么错误?

// Here's my view model
var ViewModel = function() {
    this.firstName = ko.observable('first');
    this.lastName = ko.observable('last');

var myVM = new ViewModel();

ko.applyBindings(myVM); // Apply to Knockout (works)

myVM.lastName('maiden name'); // Test an update (works)

var newData = {firstName: 'new', lastName: 'person'};

// Try update the ViewModel
ko.mapping.fromJS(newData, myVM); //(No update, or error)

// Intended result - UI updates to 'new person'

And the corresponding view: 和相应的观点:

<div class='liveExample' >   
    <p>First name: <input data-bind='value: firstName' /></p> 
    <p>Last name: <input data-bind='value: lastName' /></p> 

My JS Fiddle example . 我的JS小提琴例子

The ko.mapping.fromJS handles the parameters a little bit tricky (see my answer here ), so the second parameter is normally the mapping options: ko.mapping.fromJS处理参数有点棘手(请参阅我的答案 ),所以第二个参数通常是映射选项:

ko.mapping.fromJS(newData, {} /* mapping options */, myVM); 

Demo JSFiddle . 演示JSFiddle

I found how to use only 2 data parameters. 我发现如何只使用2个数据参数。

Create your ViewModel as a mapping of your original data, then use ko.mapping.fromJS(data, ViewModel) . 创建ViewModel作为原始数据的映射 ,然后使用ko.mapping.fromJS(data, ViewModel)

UPDATED jsFiddle 更新的jsFiddle

Explanation 说明

Knockout uses a property called mappingProperty = "__ko_mapping__" to identify when data has been previously mapped. Knockout使用名为mappingProperty = "__ko_mapping__"的属性来识别先前已映射数据的时间。 If found, it will set the second parameter as the target (ViewModel in this case). 如果找到,它将第二个参数设置为目标(在本例中为ViewModel)。

Excerpt from the debug version of ko.mapping.js : 摘自ko.mapping.js的调试版本:

var mappingProperty = "__ko_mapping__";


if (arguments.length == 2) {
  if (arguments[1][mappingProperty]) {
    target = arguments[1];
  } else {
    options = arguments[1];

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