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如果默认情况下字符串为空,为什么我无法将类型为“ System.DBNull”的对象转换为类型为“ System.String”的对象?

[英]If strings are nullable by default, why do i get Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'.?

I have seen similar threads like this where the solution is a tertiary if. 我也有类似的线程像这样在解决方案是一个三级如果。

My question is, why even get such an error if Strings are nullable? 我的问题是,如果字符串可为空,为什么还要得到这样的错误?

I am reading a value of a text column in access using ado.net. 我正在使用ado.net读取访问中的文本列的值。 Whenever there is a row with an empty text column i get that error. 每当有一行带有空文本列的行时,我都会收到该错误。

Culprit: 罪魁祸首:

while (dr.Read())
      UserList.Add(new UserInfo()
          DestributionGroup = (string)dr["Destribution Group"]
class UserInfo
    public string DestributionGroup;

Edit: 编辑:

So in other words I have to convert all of my strings that I am reading from the DB into a line similar to this? 所以换句话说,我必须将我从数据库读取的所有字符串转换成与此类似的行?

return (accountNumber == DBNull.Value) ? string.Empty : accountNumber.ToString ()

No other way around it? 没有其他办法吗?

Because null != DBNull.Value . 因为null != DBNull.Value

But you can check if it the value in the DataReader is null with the IsDbNull method: 但是您可以使用IsDbNull方法检查DataReader的值是否为空:

DestributionGroup = dr.IsDbNull("Destribution Group") ? "" : dr.GetString("Destribution Group");

如果您不介意在dr [“ Destribution Group”]为DBNull.Value时将DestributionGroup设置为null,则可以使用此方法:

DestributionGroup = dr["Destribution Group"] as string;


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