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无法将“System.DBNull”类型的对象转换为 Scaffold-DbContext .Net Core 中的“System.String”类型

[英]Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' in Scaffold-DbContext .Net Core

I use the following method to use Databases:我使用以下方法来使用数据库:

Scaffold-DbContext "Server=[serverName] ; Database=[DatabaseName]; user id= [UserId] ; password = [Password];" 
        -Project "[ProjectName]" -Force 
        -ContextDir "[DirectoryNameOutPut]\Context" 
        -OutputDir "[DirectoryNameOutPut]" 
        -UseDatabaseNames -NoPluralize

But in some databases, I get this error:但在某些数据库中,我收到此错误:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'无法将“System.DBNull”类型的对象转换为“System.String”类型

This error occurs after the Scaffold-DbContext command is written in the Package Manager Console and I press Enter and does not classify any of the tables.在包管理器控制台中写入Scaffold-DbContext命令并且我按Enter并且没有对任何表进行分类后,会发生此错误。

What can I do to fix this error?我能做些什么来修复这个错误?


Add -Verbose flag to your Scaffold-DbContext to get more details.-Verbose标志添加到您的Scaffold-DbContext以获取更多详细信息。

Scaffold-DbContext "Server=[serverName] ; Database=[DatabaseName]; user id= [UserId] ; password = [Password];" 
        -Project "[ProjectName]" -Force 
        -ContextDir "[DirectoryNameOutPut]\Context" 
        -OutputDir "[DirectoryNameOutPut]" 
        -UseDatabaseNames -NoPluralize


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