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[英]overloading a float to a numpy array

I have a function, processing a 1D numpy array, like this: 我有一个函数,处理一维numpy数组,如下所示:

def f(arr):
    #process data as numpy array
    return arr

With asarray I allow to call the function with a list as f([4,5,6]) . 使用asarray我允许使用列表调用函数f([4,5,6]) Now, I would like to "overload" the argument also to a single float, so that I can use f(4) instead of f([4]) . 现在,我想将参数“重载”到一个浮点数,这样我就可以用f(4)代替f([4])

This is a standard numpy feature, since you can call np.sin as sin(array([4,5,6])) , or as sin([4,5,6]) or as sin(4) as well. 这是一个标准的numpy特性,因为你可以将np.sin称为sin(array([4,5,6])) ,或者作为sin([4,5,6])sin(4) I came up with this code, that works at least in simple cases: 我想出了这个代码,至少在简单的情况下是有效的:

def f(arr):
    if arr.shape is ():
        print 'arr is a single float/int/etc'
        arr = array([arr])
    #process data as numpy array
    return arr

Is this the standard/correct way to do it? 这是标准/正确的方法吗?

I believe you are looking for np.atleast_1d . 我相信你在寻找np.atleast_1d

>>> np.atleast_1d(5)
>>> np.atleast_1d(np.arange(2))
array([0, 1])

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