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[英]closing mongodb connection in node.js while inserting lot of data

I am trying write a program to parse and insert iis logs data in to mongodb. 我正在尝试编写一个程序来解析并将iis日志数据插入到mongodb中。 The files aren't that huge it's around 600 lines. 文件不是很大,大约有600行。 Trying to convince my management nodejs and mongodb is better for this compared to .net and sql server :). 与.net和sql server相比,尝试说服我的管理nodejs和mongodb更好。
Have a look at the below code in nodejs. 看看下面的nodejs代码。 Logic: I parse every line and convert into json and insert the save in db. 逻辑:我解析每一行并将其转换为json并将保存插入db中。 i am using mongonative driver. 我正在使用Mongonative驱动程序。
Issue : The db connection gets closed even before all lines are inserted into the Db. 问题:甚至在将所有行插入到Db中之前,db连接都会关闭。
I see the log file has 6000 lines, but num of records in db is only arnd 4000. I understand it's nodejs's async characteristic, in this how can i close the connection in more deterministic way (after checking if all lines got inserted)? 我看到日志文件有6000行,但是db中的记录数仅为arnd4000。我知道它是nodejs的异步特性,在这种情况下,我该如何以更确定的方式关闭连接(在检查是否插入了所有行之后)?

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var mongoServer = require('mongodb').Server;
var serverOptions = {
    'auto_reconnect': true,
    'poolSize': 5

var fs = require('fs');
var readline = require('readline');

var rd = readline.createInterface({
    input: fs.createReadStream('C:/logs/Advisor_Metrics/UI/P20VMADVSRUI01/u_ex130904.log'),
    output: process.stdout,
    terminal: false
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(new mongoServer('localhost', 27017, serverOptions));
var db = mongoClient.db('test');
var collection = db.collection('new_file_test');
var cntr = 0;
mongoClient.open(function (err, mongoClient) {
    if (mongoClient)
        rd.on('line', function (line) {
            if (line.indexOf('#') == -1) {
                var lineSplit = line.split(' ');
                var data =
                    d: lineSplit[0],
                    t: lineSplit[1],
                    sip: lineSplit[2],
                    met: lineSplit[3],
                    uri: lineSplit[4],
                    cip: lineSplit[8],
                    cua: lineSplit[9],
                    stat: lineSplit[10],
                    tt: lineSplit[13]

                collection.insert(data, function (err, docs) {
                    console.log('closing connection');
rd.on('close', function () {

Sol 1 : A solution would be parse the json objects and add into an array and add the array to mongodb. Sol 1:一种解决方案是解析json对象并添加到数组中,然后将该数组添加到mongodb中。 i wouldn't like to do that since that would like parsing the entire huge log file into memory!, Any other solution? 我不想这样做,因为那样想将整个巨大的日志文件解析到内存中!,还有其他解决方案吗?

I'm 100% sure but as far as I can see you are inserting data synchronous. 我100%确信,但是据我所知,您正在同步插入数据。 I mean once you get a line you try to insert it and don't wait for the result. 我的意思是,一旦您获得一行,就尝试将其插入,而不必等待结果。 Try using another approach: 尝试使用另一种方法:

  • read all the lines and store them in an array 读取所有行并将它们存储在数组中
  • start inserting the data line by line asynchronously 开始异步逐行插入数据

Something like that: 像这样:

var lines = [];
var readAllLines = function(callback) {
    // store every line inside lines array
    // and call the callback at the end
var storeInDb = function(callback) {
    if(lines.length === 0) {
    var line = lines.shift();
    collection.insert(line, function (err, docs) {

mongoClient.open(function (err, mongoClient) {
    if (mongoClient) {
        readAllLines(function() {
            storeInDb(function() {
                // lines are inserted
                // close the db connection

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