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[英]linux script running c program

i tried to run a script in linux to run ac program the script was as follows 我试图在linux中运行脚本以运行ac程序,脚本如下

`gcc odd.c -o odd222`
`chmod +x odd222`
echo `./odd222`

and odd.c is 而奇数c是

int i;
printf("enter the no.");

but the problem is that when i run this script the all the scanf statement are executed then all the outputs are shown simentaniously.... 但是问题是,当我运行此脚本时,所有scanf语句都将执行,然后所有输出都会显示出来。

if i do not put echo before ./odd222 then it says error enter command not found("enter" the first element in printf. 如果我没有在./odd222之前./odd222那么它说错误,请输入命令not found(“输入” printf中的第一个元素)。

kindly help me 请帮助我

Get rid of the backticks, the chmod, and the echo . 摆脱反引号,chmod和echo All you need to do is run gcc , then run your program. 您所需要做的就是运行gcc ,然后运行您的程序。

gcc odd.c -o odd222

It'd also be good to only try to run the program if it compiles successfully. 如果编译成功,仅尝试运行该程序也将是一个很好的选择。 You can make it conditional by using && . 您可以使用&&使其成为条件。

gcc odd.c -o odd222 && ./odd222

It'd also be good to modify your C code to ensure the printouts are printed immediately. 修改您的C代码以确保立即打印输出也将是一件好事。 Output is usually line buffered, meaning it's only displayed once you write a full line with a newline \\n at the end. 输出通常行缓冲,这意味着一旦你写一个换行符全线它只是显示\\n结尾。 You'll want to either print a newline: 您将要打印换行符:

printf("enter the no.\n");

Or flush the output explicitly: 或显式刷新输出:

printf("enter the no.");

You need not do to 你不需要做

echo `./odd222`

If you just write 如果你只是写


The shell tries to execute the program according to how it determines the file needs to be executed.Just make these changes,your code will work. 外壳程序会根据确定文件需要执行的方式来尝试执行该程序。只需进行这些更改,您的代码就会起作用。

Putting echo returns a blank line on the display screen followed by the command prompt on the subsequent line. 放置echo将在显示屏上返回空白行,然后在下一行显示命令提示符。 This is because pressing the ENTER key is a signal to the system to start a new line, and thus echo repeats this signal. 这是因为按ENTER键是系统开始新行的信号,因此echo重复此信号。

When you write 当你写

echo `./odd222`

it does not recognize the command.Hence it waits there only.echo has nothing to do with our program. 它无法识别该命令,因此仅在此处等待.echo与我们的程序无关。

Here are few improvements: 以下是一些改进:

Remove inverted quotes in your script, No need of them. 删除脚本中的反引号,不需要它们。

These are used when you want to store the return value of command in a variable. 当您要将命令的返回值存储在变量中时,将使用它们。

Example: 例:

var=`gcc odd.c -o odd222`
echo $var # this prints the gcc command output

Also run your executable without echo 同时运行您的可执行文件而不回显

gcc odd.c -o odd222
chmod +x odd222

You can remove chmod line from your script as you have already changed the file to executable mode and there is no need of it everytime. 您可以从脚本中删除chmod行,因为您已经将文件更改为可执行模式,并且每次都不需要它。

odd.c 奇数

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int i;
  printf("enter the no.");
  printf("shiv = %d", i);

  return 0;

For running a C language program using a gcc shell script, see the following: 有关使用gcc shell脚本运行C语言程序的信息,请参见以下内容:

It is also applicable to any language. 它也适用于任何语言。 Modify according to language and compiler. 根据语言和编译器进行修改。

Step 1: 步骤1:

Create any file having .sh extension (shell script) 创建任何扩展名为.sh的文件(shell脚本)

For example: your_file_name.sh 例如: your_file_name.sh

Step 2: 第2步:

Contents of file as follows: 文件内容如下:

gcc `pwd`/"$filename.c"


Step 3: 第三步:

Change permission for read, write, and execute file in terminal using the following command: 使用以下命令在终端中更改读取,写入和执行文件的权限:

sudo chmod 777 filename.c

Step 4: 第四步:

Execute file on terminal. 在终端上执行文件。

You must run the program from the directory where your source file is present because I have used the present working directory (if you want to select any spec). 您必须从存在源文件的目录中运行该程序,因为我已经使用了当前的工作目录(如果要选择任何规范)。

./your_file_name.sh     filename.c

Example Screenshot: 屏幕截图示例:


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