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[英]how to parse the Response as JSON in java

I use the following code to post : 我使用以下代码发布:

try {
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            PostMethod method = new PostMethod(VERIFY_PAYMENT_ACTIONURL);

            // key is the parameter
            // MERCHANT_KEY is the value
            method.addParameter("form", "2");
            method.addParameter("key", MERCHANT_KEY.trim());
            method.addParameter("command", VERIFY_PAYMENT_COMMAND.trim());
            method.addParameter("hash", hash);
            method.addParameter("var1", transactionID.trim());
            method.addParameter("salt", ALGORIHTM_SHA512_SALT_KEY.trim());

            int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

            if (statusCode != -1) {
                in = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();

            String text = method.getResponseBodyAsString();

            System.out.println("text : "+text);


        } catch (Exception e) {

and I get the response text as follows : 我得到的响应文本如下:

a:3:{s:6:"status";i:1;s:3:"msg";s:44:"1 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully";s:19:"transaction_details";a:1:{i:2298597;a:15:{s:8:"mihpayid";s:18:"403993715508098532";s:10:"request_id";N;s:12:"bank_ref_num";N;s:3:"amt";s:5:"53.77";s:4:"disc";s:4:"0.00";s:4:"mode";s:2:"CC";s:7:"PG_TYPE";s:4:"AXIS";s:7:"card_no";s:16:"512345XXXXXX2346";s:12:"name_on_card";s:3:"emu";s:4:"udf2";s:1:"0";s:7:"addedon";s:19:"2013-06-03 17:34:42";s:6:"status";s:7:"failure";s:14:"unmappedstatus";s:6:"failed";s:12:"Merchant_UTR";N;s:10:"Settled_At";N;}}}

now I want to extract the above output and put it into map like "transactionid" and other details like the following format 现在我想提取上面的输出,并将其放入“ transactionid”之类的地图中,以及其他详细信息,例如以下格式

array('status' => '1',
'msg' => 'Transaction Fetched Successfully',
'transaction_details' =>
'mihpayid' => Transaction ID,
'request_id' => Request ID,
'bank_ref_num' => Bank Reference Number,
'amt' => Amount
'disc' => Discount
'mode' => Transaction Mode (NB for Netbanking, CC for credit card, DC for Debit card, "-" for
'status' => Transaction Status


I really do not find any common way to extract the above output. 我真的没有找到提取上述输出的任何常用方法。 will some one help to do this? 会有人帮忙吗?

or is it possible for me to convert the above to JSON and put them in to a map like the above? 还是我可以将以上内容转换为JSON并将其放入类似上述的地图中?

thanks 谢谢

I don't recognise it but are you sure it's not a well know format? 我不认识它,但您确定它不是众所周知的格式吗?

To turn it into JSON you'd need to 1)remove every instance of a character that is followed by a colon (and the colon) 2)replace every other semi-colons with a comma 3)replace all the other semi-colons with colons And you'd need to do all that while taking into account that strings could contain any of those things. 要将其转换为JSON,您需要1)删除字符的每个实例,后跟一个冒号(和冒号)2)将所有其他分号替换为逗号3)将所有其他分号替换为冒号在考虑字符串可能包含任何这些内容的同时,您需要做所有这些事情。

From comments: The string is in PHP serialised form. 来自注释:字符串采用PHP序列化形式。 This library parses it: https://code.google.com/p/serialized-php-parser/ 该库对其进行解析: https : //code.google.com/p/serialized-php-parser/

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