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[英]How do I put an RTLabel on an iOS image?

I am trying to use https://github.com/honcheng/RTLabel to get a rich text label, but my immediate goal is to display "Hello, world!" 我正在尝试使用https://github.com/honcheng/RTLabel获取富文本标签,但我的近期目标是显示“世界你好!”

My code is: 我的代码是:

        UIImageView *noteImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds];
        noteImage.image = image;
        [self.view addSubview:noteImage];
        CJSHCardView *noteView = [[CJSHCardView alloc] initWithImage:image];
        [noteView setFrame:CGRectMake(100 * i, 20, 100 * scale, 100 * scale)];
        noteView.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(noteView.transform, scale_x, scale_y);
        NSString *text = @"Hello, world!";
        RTLabel *label = [[RTLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100 * i, 20, 100 * scale, 100 * scale)];
        [noteImage addSubview:label];
        [label setText:text];

I tried both noteImage and noteView in the second-to-last line. 我在倒数第二行尝试了noteImage和noteView。 The rectangle has the same dimensions as the original image, which is displaying correctly. 该矩形与正确显示的原始图像具有相同的尺寸。 However, none of the approaches I've tried seem apt to display a label on top of the noteImage / noteView as backgrounds. 但是,我尝试过的所有方法似乎都不适合在noteImage / noteView顶部显示标签作为背景。

What is an appropriate way to get a label (preferably one that supports rich text) to display on top of an image meant to serve as background for it? 使标签(最好是支持富文本的标签)显示在打算用作背景的图像上的合适方法是什么?

iOS 7的UILabel支持属性字符串,因此,除非您需要定位较早的版本,否则建议您仅在界面生成器中构建UI并根据代码中的需要设置属性文本。

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