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[英]Return ordered dictionary to django template

Suppose you want to display posts as in Disqus. 假设您要像在Disqus中那样显示帖子。
(It seems you can comment on any post in any depth) (看来您可以在任何深度发表评论)

How do I pass a such data to django template and let it draw the data as Disqus? 我如何将这样的数据传递给Django模板,并让其将数据绘制为Disqus?

eg You want to display all posts which belong to a thread in a way which reveals the parent-child relationship. 例如,您想要以揭示父子关系的方式显示属于某个线程的所有帖子。
How can you do that in django? 您如何在Django中做到这一点? (python/json/..) (python / json / ..)


Have you looked into using django-mptt ? 您是否考虑过使用django-mptt I have found that it works quite well for this type of tree structure. 我发现它对于这种类型的树结构非常有效。

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