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[英]AdornerLayer goes outside Border if I zoom the picture WPF

I created the logic that crops an image that is contained inside a border that is inside a grid. 我创建了一个逻辑,用于裁剪包含在网格内部边框内的图像。 The grid has many borders, so this grid will have many pictures. 网格有很多边框,所以这个网格会有很多图片。 The problem is that when I zoom the picture the logic zoomed the picture (which is okay) but when I use the crop logic the AdornerLayer goes outside the border like the picture: 问题是,当我缩放图片时,逻辑会缩放图片(这没关系),但是当我使用裁剪逻辑时, AdornerLayer像图片一样AdornerLayer边界: 图像使用裁剪选择器进行缩放

On this image the pic doesn't have zoom, so the AdornerLayer is correct: 在此图像上,pic没有缩放,因此AdornerLayer是正确的: 在此输入图像描述

The code that I'm using to add the crop to the image: 我用来将裁剪添加到图像的代码:

private void AddCropToElement(FrameworkElement fel, System.Drawing.Image img)
    if (!cropElements.ContainsKey(Convert.ToString(((Image)fel).Source)))
        if (_felCur != null)

        rcInterior = new Rect(
            fel.ActualWidth * 0.2,
            fel.ActualHeight * 0.2,
            fel.ActualWidth * 0.6,
            fel.ActualHeight * 0.6);
        rectMoving = false;
        Rect newRect = scaleRect(rcInterior, img);
        imgCropMove = img;

        AdornerLayer aly = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(fel);
        _clp = new CroppingAdorner(fel, rcInterior);
        cropElements.Add(Convert.ToString(((Image)fel).Source), fel);

        imageCropped = _clp.Crop(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img), newRect);

        _clp.CropChanged += HandleCropChanged;
        _felCur = fel;

In this case the object named fel is the picture that I want to crop and the Border is his parent. 在这种情况下,名为fel的对象是我要裁剪的图片,而Border是他的父级。

How I can fix the problem of the AdornerLayout that goes outside if the image is zoomed? 如果图像被缩放,我如何解决AdornerLayout外出的问题?

Are you using the default Window Adorner or have you created a custom AdornerDecorator around your Border in your XAML? 您使用的是默认的Window Adorner,还是在XAML中围绕边框创建了自定义AdornerDecorator?


Additionally, if you are applying a zoom factor on your Border, you can add a Binding on your cropping display rectangle to match the Scale on your Border object. 此外,如果要在边框上应用缩放系数,则可以在裁剪显示矩形上添加“绑定”以匹配“边框”对象上的“缩放”。

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