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[英]WPF cut controls that goes outside the grid

I'm learning C# and WPF. 我正在学习C#和WPF。 I need to put a form with some Image on a face of a 3D cube (the cube is defined in a Viewport3D ) using the Viewport3DVisual3D control. 我需要使用Viewport3DVisual3D控件在3D多维数据集(多维数据集在Viewport3D定义)的表面上放置带有一些Image的表单。

I defined the Visual element of the Viewport3DVisual3D as a Grid . 我将Viewport3DVisual3DVisual元素定义为Grid I defined the grid dimensions equal to the dimension of the cube's face. 我定义的网格尺寸等于立方体面的尺寸。 I added the images as children of the grid: 我将图像添加为网格的子代:


How can I position the images to the desired (x,y) on the grid? 如何将图像定位到网格上的所需(x,y)? I tried with the Margin propriety of the Image , as example: 我尝试使用ImageMargin适当性,例如:

        Image im = new Image();
        im.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("panotec.png"));
        im.Width = 0.5;
        im.Margin = new Thickness(-6, -0.5, 0, 0);

But when the image goes out form the area defined by the grid dymension the whole grid is compressed to fit the cube's face surface. 但是,当图像从网格尺寸定义的区域出来时,整个网格将被压缩以适合立方体的表面。 as in the image: 如图所示:


How can I prevent it? 我该如何预防? I want that the parts of the controls that are outside just being cropped. 我希望外面的控件部分被裁剪掉。 Is it possible? 可能吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

The answer is really simple: 答案很简单:

myGrid.ClipToBounds = true;

Also moved from Grid to Canvas for better position the images: 还从Grid移动到Canvas以更好地定位图像:

Canvas myCanvas = new Canvas();
Image im = new Image(...);
Canvas.SetTop(im, top);
Canvas.SetLeft(im, left);

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