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[英]What does the gradient on this bar in XCode represent?

I have just started using XCode 5 and I am curious about this bar and the gradient. 我刚刚开始使用XCode 5,并且对此栏和渐变色感到好奇。 在此处输入图片说明

I can't say I remember seeing that before version 5. I just noticed it after doing some profiling, although it's possible that it's been there all along. 我不能说我记得在版本5之前看到过它。我只是在进行一些分析后才注意到它,尽管它可能一直存在。 Even in version 4.5 for all I know. 就我所知,即使在版本4.5中。

The gradient seems to be different in each code block, so I am thinking it represents time spent in that block of code. 每个代码块中的梯度似乎不同,因此我认为它代表了在该代码块中花费的时间。 Looking through the code, it seems to be darker in areas with loops, which is why I have that assumption. 查看代码,在带有循环的区域似乎更暗,这就是为什么我有这个假设。

I'm pretty sure that it is just a visual aid to let you know what scope you are in. If you mouse-over it, Xcode will highlight the scope, and if you click, all the code between the braces is hidden. 我敢肯定,这只是一种视觉帮助,可以让您知道所处的范围。如果将鼠标悬停在它上面,Xcode将突出显示该范围,如果单击,则括号之间的所有代码都将被隐藏。

EDIT: It has been in XCode since at least version 4. 编辑:至少从版本4开始就在XCode中。

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