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paypal Express Checkout:送货地址

[英]paypal Express Checkout: delivery address

I want to allow customers to pay with paypal without having to create a paypal account. 我想允许客户使用贝宝付款,而无需创建贝宝帐户。 Paypal allows this by setting 2 variables: 贝宝通过设置2个变量来允许此操作:

  1. SOLUTIONTYPE = 'Sole';
  2. LANDINGPAGE = 'Billing';

This takes the customer to a page where he can enter his details and pay. 这会将客户带到一个页面,他可以在该页面上输入他的详细信息并付款。 Creating a paypal account is optional. 创建贝宝帐户是可选的。

Does anybody know a way to not have to ask for delivery address? 有人知道不用要求送货地址的方法吗? Just enter the CC details and that is it? 只需输入抄送详细信息,是吗?

I tried: 我试过了:


REQCONFIRMSHIPPING = 0 (and not setting it at all) REQCONFIRMSHIPPING = 0 (并且完全不设置)
ADDROVERRIDE = all values (and not setting it at all) ADDROVERRIDE = all values (根本不设置)

Any way of doing this? 有什么办法吗?

I don't think you can do this with Payments Basic and you certainly can't do it inside API Express Checkout (which is ONLY for Paypal accounts). 我认为您无法使用Payments Basic做到这一点,并且您当然不能在API Express Checkout(仅适用于Paypal帐户)中做到这一点。 You really need the flexibility of an API to do it. 您确实需要API的灵活性才能做到这一点。 Have you considered Payments Pro or Stripe ? 您是否考虑过Payments Pro或Stripe

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