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Express Checkout InContext-贝宝用户地址选择器

[英]Express Checkout InContext - Paypal user address selector

I may have missed it, but in Sandbox mode, it seems the user can't select from their existing Paypal (verified) addresses. 我可能会错过它,但是在Sandbox模式下,似乎用户无法从其现有的 Paypal(已验证)地址中进行选择。


Is this just a bug in sandbox, or is this expected behavior (even in production)? 这仅仅是沙箱中的错误,还是这种预期的行为(甚至在生产中)? That dropdown/select list is empty. 该下拉列表/选择列表为空。 Checking the sandbox account, each address provided is subsequently added to the account . 检查沙盒帐户,随后提供的每个地址添加到该帐户

If this (bug) is actually documented, or if I missed something in setup/code, I'll delete this question. 如果这个(错误)确实记录在案,或者如果我错过了设置/代码中的某些内容,我将删除此问题。 Thanks! 谢谢!

Update: 更新:

In Sandbox, the issue is that: 在沙盒中,问题在于:

  1. the user is first presented with the above UI (which asks for an address). 首先为用户提供上述UI(要求提供地址)。
  2. After providing one, there will be a change link which behaves just like in Production where user can then choose from a list. 提供一个链接后,将有一个change链接,其行为与Production中的一样,然后用户可以从列表中进行选择。
  3. The list isn't presented initially (forces user to add/provide) 该列表最初 没有显示(强制用户添加/提供)

Not with Paypal so I can't answer the Sandbox matter (bug or documented), but as shown below all is good in Production - user is provided with a Change link and a "drawer" is presented for user to select existing addresses: 不支持Paypal,所以我无法回答沙盒问题(错误或记录的问题),但如下所示,在生产环境中一切都很好-为用户提供了Change链接,并为用户提供了一个“抽屉”以选择现有地址:


Hth those who are testing the In Context implementation... Hth正在测试In Context实现...

In your screenshot, it says "the merchant only ships within the united states", and the screen is used to add an address. 在您的屏幕截图中,它显示“商家仅在美国境内发货”,并且屏幕用于添加地址。 Maybe check if your sandbox buyer's address is out of US, and then add a US address to the sandbox buyer account, and then try again. 也许检查您的沙盒买家的地址是否不在美国,然后将美国地址添加到沙盒买家帐户,然后重试。

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