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[英]Using malloc for 2D array pointer causes segmentation fault

I am getting a segmentation fault in the initializeStruct function. 我在initializeStruct函数中遇到分段错误。 I want a 2D Array pointer. 我想要一个2D数组指针。 Each 2D array index holds a struct of three types. 每个2D数组索引都包含三种类型的结构。

Here is the struct: 这是结构:

struct cacheLine {
    int validBit;
    int tag;
    int LRUcounter;

This is the Method that fails: 这是失败的方法:

void initializeStruct(struct cacheLine **anyCache){
    int i, j;
    for (i=0;i<S;i++){
            anyCache[i][j].validBit = 0; //I am getting a Segmentation fault
            anyCache[i][j].tag = 0;
            anyCache[i][j].LRUcounter = 0;

In the main, I use malloc to create my 2D array pointers: 在主要方面,我使用malloc创建2D数组指针:

int main(int argc, char** argv){
int opt;
char *t;

//looping over arguments from command line
while(-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:E:b:t:"))){
    //determine which argument it's processing
        case 's':
            s = atoi(optarg);
        case 'E':
            E = atoi(optarg);
        case 'b':
            b = atoi(optarg);
        case 't':
            t = optarg;
        //too many arguments
            printf("wrong argument\n");
//create array
S = 1 << s;
B = 1 << b;

//allocate memory
struct cacheLine **cacheArray =  malloc(sizeof(struct cacheLine)*S*E);

//Initialize Structs

The way you did you just malloc 'ed the first dimension of your array. 您刚malloc的方式是数组的第一维。 You need to malloc each of your lines: 你需要malloc每个行:

struct cacheLine **cacheArray =  malloc(sizeof(struct cacheLine*)*S);
for(i = 0;i < S;i++) {
    cacheLine[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct cacheLine) * E);

You are declaring a 2D-array, that is, an array of pointers. 您正在声明一个2D数组,即一个指针数组。 To that you assign a memory area. 为此,您要分配一个存储区。

What you expect: 您的期望:

array_0_0, array_0_1, ..., array_0_s
array_1_0, array_1_1, ..., array_1_s

What you actually declared: 您实际声明的内容:

array_0 -> NULL
array_1 -> NULL
array_n -> NULL
lots of wasted space

You can either use a 1D array with the malloc, and calculate your indices (i * E + j), or you can stick with the 2d array and instead initialize the lines individually. 您可以将1D数组与malloc一起使用,并计算索引(i * E + j),也可以坚持使用2d数组,然后分别初始化行。 I would suggest using the 1d array. 我建议使用一维数组。

Your malloc is wrong - you want to allocate S in the first malloc then for each of those malloc E items; 您的malloc错误-您想在第一个malloc中分配S ,然后再为每个malloc E项目分配S instead you are malloc'ing S*E and never pointing them at anything 相反,您正在分配S*E并且永远不要将它们指向任何东西

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