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[英]Python Bluetooth Passkey/Password Linux

I'm working on a Python script to control my Mindstorms NXT with a Raspberry Pi. 我正在使用Python脚本来控制我的Mindstorms NXT和Raspberry Pi。 My problem is, that the NXT has a Bluetooth passkey. 我的问题是,NXT有一个蓝牙密码。 You can change the passkey but not delete it. 您可以更改密钥但不删除它。

I want to know how you can connect the PyBluez socket to a device with a passkey. 我想知道如何使用密钥将PyBluez套接字连接到设备。

This is the current program: 这是目前的计划:

import bluetooth
import socket

target_name = "Jerry"
target_address = None

print "performing inquiry..."
nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices()
print "found %d devices" % len(nearby_devices)

for bdaddr in nearby_devices:
    if target_name == bluetooth.lookup_name( bdaddr ):
        target_address = bdaddr

if target_address is not None:
    print "found target bluetooth device with address ", target_address
    print "could not find target bluetooth device nearby"

bluesock= socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM)
bluesock.connect((target_address, 1))

I'm not sure there's a Python specific answer. 我不确定是否有Python特定的答案。 The py-nxt posts I saw seemed to point at the OS. 我看到的py-nxt帖子似乎指向操作系统。

Does starting this background process (on your computer) with a passkey help you? 使用密钥启动此后台进程(在您的计算机上)可以帮助您吗?

bluetooth-agent 1234 &

I've found it useful to pair with the NXT first using: 我发现首先使用NXT配对很有用:

hcitool cc 00:16:53:0A:17:16

Whereby, I'd found the MAC address with: 据说,我找到了MAC地址:

hcitool scan

If you hadn't already tried the rfcomm related bits for Linux, there's a worthwhile ref here . 如果你还没有尝试过Linux的rfcomm相关位,那么这里有一个值得的参考。

On Windows, I just had to go into go into Bluetooth settings and pair with the device, entering the passkey on Windows and then on the NXT. 在Windows上,我只需要进入蓝牙设置并与设备配对,在Windows上输入密码,然后在NXT上输入密码。 It never showed a screen saying that it had paired, seemingly getting stuck pairing, but it did work and I was able to connect with nxt-python. 它从未显示屏幕说它已配对,似乎卡住配对,但它确实有效,我能够连接到nxt-python。

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