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是否可以为App Store上传iOS6和iOS7的屏幕截图?

[英]Is it possible to upload screenshots for both iOS6 and iOS7, for App Store?

I am going to upload an update to my app in iTunes Connect , now supporting both iOS6 and iOS7. 我将在iTunes Connect中将更新上传到我的应用程序,现在支持iOS6和iOS7。 Before I am "ready to upload binary", I want to edit 'metadata and uploads' to contain screenshots for both versions. 在“准备上传二进制文件”之前,我想编辑“元数据和上传”以包含两个版本的屏幕截图。

The problem is I am only let to upload to "3.5-inch Retina Display", "4-inch Retina Display" and "iPad" (see screenshot below) . 问题是我只能上传到“ 3.5英寸视网膜显示屏”,“ 4英寸视网膜显示屏”和“ iPad” (请参见下面的屏幕截图) There is no way I can choose for which iOS certain screenshots should be shown. 我无法选择应针对哪些iOS显示某些屏幕截图。

Am I doing something wring or is Apple´s intention that only iOS7 screenshots should be displayed in App Store? 我是在做某事吗,还是Apple打算在App Store中仅显示iOS7屏幕截图?


you can upload your screenshots regardless of the version ios. 您可以上传您的屏幕截图,而不考虑ios版本。 I have an application that has four screenshots ios7 and one of iOS6 and had no problems. 我有一个具有四个ios7屏幕截图和一个iOS6屏幕截图的应用程序,没有任何问题。

You can't specify screenshots to be shown depending on the iOS version, however, the screenshots that you do post can be taken from any iOS version. 您不能指定要显示的屏幕快照,具体取决于iOS版本,但是,您发布的屏幕快照可以从任何iOS版本中获取。 So feel free to mix and match if you wish, or consider photoshopping a banner on them that says "Looks beautiful in both iOS 6 and iOS 7" 因此,如果您愿意,可以随意混合搭配,或者考虑在其上照相购物的横幅,上面写着“在iOS 6和iOS 7中看起来都很漂亮”。

As I know there is no way of choosing iOS Screenshots . 据我所知,没有选择iOS屏幕截图的方法。 I too uploaded one app but there is no choice to choose iOS Screenshots . 我也上传了一个应用程序,但没有选择iOS屏幕截图的选择。

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