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如何使用 Linq 过滤数据表到数据表?

[英]How I can filter a dataTable with Linq to datatable?

hi how i can filter a datatable with linq to datatable?嗨,我如何使用 linq to datatable 过滤数据表? I have a DropDownList and there I can select the value of the Modul Column.我有一个 DropDownList,在那里我可以选择 Modul Column 的值。 Now I want to filter the DataTable with this Modul Column.现在我想用这个模块列过滤数据表。

here is my datatable structure:这是我的数据表结构:

User | Host | TimeDiff | License | Telefon | Modul 

Here the Code:这里的代码:

protected void drp_Modules_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string value = drp_Modules.SelectedValue;

    DataTable tb = (DataTable)Session["dt_Users"];

    tb = from item in tb //?????


You are better of using DataTable.Select method, but if you have to use LINQ then you can try:您最好使用DataTable.Select方法,但如果您必须使用 LINQ,那么您可以尝试:

DataTable selectedTable = tb.AsEnumerable()
                            .Where(r => r.Field<string>("Modul") == value)

This would create a new DataTable based on filtered values.这将根据过滤的值创建一个新的DataTable

If you use DataTable.Select如果您使用DataTable.Select

string expression = "Modul =" + value;
DataRow[] selectedRows = tb.Select(expression);

You can use condition to check rows exist in addition before casting.您可以在转换之前使用条件来检查行是否存在。 System.Linq namespace is required for Any() to work Any() 工作需要 System.Linq 命名空间

var rows = values.AsEnumerable().Where
            (row => row.Field<string>("Status") == action);//get the rows where the status is equal to action

    DataTable dt = rows.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();//Copying the rows into the DataTable as DataRow

To Retrieve the DataTable based on filtering the list of item.基于过滤项目列表检索数据表。 (ie,if any of the list item is present in datatable, that matched result will received. (即,如果数据表中存在任何列表项,则将收到匹配的结果。

 List<string>item=new List<string>(){"TG1","TG2"};     
 DataTable tbsplit = (from a in tbl.AsEnumerable()
              where item.Any(x => a.Field<string>("CSubset").ToUpper().Contains(x.ToUpper()))
              select a).CopyToDataTable();//By Executing this, the Filter DataTable is obtained

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