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[英]Python - Execute command line function on every file in a directory?

I have a directory of CSV files that I want to import into MySQL. 我有一个要导入MySQL的CSV文件目录。 There are about 100 files, and doing a manual import is painful. 大约有100个文件,手动导入很麻烦。

My command line is this: 我的命令行是这样的:

mysqlimport -u root -ppassword --local --fields-terminated-by="|" data PUBACC_FR.dat

The files are all of type XX.dat , ie AC.dat , CP.dat , etc. I actually rename them first before processing them (via rename 's/^/PUBACC_/' *.dat ). 这些文件都是XX.dat类型,即AC.datCP.dat等。在处理它们之前,我实际上首先对其进行了rename 's/^/PUBACC_/' *.dat (通过rename 's/^/PUBACC_/' *.dat )。 Ideally I'd like to be able to accomplish both tasks in one script: Rename the files, then run the command. 理想情况下,我希望能够在一个脚本中完成两项任务:重命名文件,然后运行命令。

From what I've found reading, something like this: 根据我发现的阅读内容,类似这样的内容:

for filename in os.listdir("."):
    if filename.endswith("dat"):
        os.rename(filename, filename[7:])

Can anyone help me get started with a script that will accomplish this, please? 有人可以帮助我开始使用可以完成此任务的脚本吗? Read the file names, rename them, then for each one run the mysqlimport command? 读取文件名,重命名它们,然后为每一个运行mysqlimport命令?

Thanks! 谢谢!

I suppose something like the python code below could be used: 我想可以使用以下类似的python代码:

import subprocess
import os

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for f in os.listdir("."):
        if (f.endswith(".dat")):
            subprocess.call("echo %s" % f, shell=True)

Obviously, you should change the command from echo to your command instead. 显然,您应该将命令从echo改为命令。

See http://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html for more details of using subprocess, or see the possible duplicate. 有关使用子流程的更多详细信息,请参见http://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html ,或查看可能的重复项。

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